Fears higher ticket prices after Flyr bankruptcy – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– This was the first time we thought of getting out into the world alone as a boy band. Then we ordered tickets and then the airline goes bankrupt. It was quite bad luck, says Martin Lægreid (17). Together with his group of friends, he was going on holiday to Malaga in the summer. They had already bought tickets in January. – We ordered tickets well in advance, but it was perhaps not so wise. The airline Flyr filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday. The company had struggled for a long time and had a debt of NOK 2.4 billion, according to E24. For travellers, this means canceled tickets and rebookings. Many will not get their money back. EXPENSIVE: The gang spent around NOK 2,800 each on the plane tickets. For 17-year-olds, this is quite a lot of money, they say. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news Martin Lægreid says that the group of friends spent around NOK 2,800 each on the tickets. – That’s shit. For us, it’s quite a lot of money, says his friend Mikkel Moltu (17). They have been told that it is difficult to get the money back, they say. – We paid by bank card. The bank said it was very difficult to get the money back now, says Martin Lægreid. There will therefore be no new trip to Spain, the friends say. Now they plan to go on a cabin trip together. – It just feels demotivating to spend money on a new big trip, says Lægreid. – Then it feels better to find a cheaper solution, he continues. – Don’t wait Espen Andersen, associate professor at BI business school, says that he does not have detailed price statistics now. But says that it is only natural that it will be more expensive to fly. – Both SAS and Norwegian will set prices as high as they can, at the same time there will be price competition, says Andersen. However, he believes that there is no reason to be cautious about booking plane tickets. – Flyr is bankrupt, but I don’t want to wait to order tickets from others, says Espen Andersen. Espen Andersen is an associate professor at BI and an expert in aviation. Photo: Gunhild Hjermundrud / news Consumer Council: Can get more expensive tickets – I would be a little careful about booking plane tickets today. This is what senior advisor at the Consumer Council, Thomas Iversen, says to news. Now that Flyr is disappearing, there is less competition in the market, he explains. This may lead to ticket prices increasing. – Right after a bankruptcy there can be an impact on ticket prices, so if you are going to buy tickets in the next few days you should be careful so that you don’t buy overpriced flights, he says. The senior advisor has the following advice for those who are now considering booking flights. – I recommend that you check the price with several companies, feel free to use search engines and do your homework. The price for the trip can go up and down, so please keep an eye on it over a few days if you are planning a holiday trip. MUST FOLLOW: – It is rarely the case that less competition leads to cheaper services, says Thomas Iversen of the Consumer Council. Photo: Even Bjøringsøy Johnsen / news
