Fears election fraud in Venezuela – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

For the first time in many years, the opposition has hope for change in Venezuela. – The opposition has managed to win the hearts of the people. Just a year ago, Venezuela was characterized by hopelessness and little faith in change. Now they have stood together in a completely different way and created a wave of hope, says Benedikte Bull. She is a professor and political scientist who has researched social development in Latin America. – It is difficult to imagine that the Maduro regime will recognize defeat, says Professor Benedicte Bull at the Center for Development and the Environment at the University of Oslo. Photo: Arnt Stefansen There are a total of ten candidates, but the only challenger who can actually win is Edmundo Gonzalez, who represents the opposition coalition Einingsplattformen. Around 21 million people have the right to vote during Sunday’s election. – I came to vote for change, for a new Venezuela that will be born again. I am publicly employed and we need a decent salary, says the 57-year-old chef Tibisay Aguirre to Reuters. A soldier in the queue outside a polling station in the capital Caracas. Photo: Yuri Cortez / AFP “Bloodbath” Earlier this week, Maduro went out and threatened a “bloodbath” if the people did not vote for him. – If they don’t want a bloodbath in Venezuela, a civil war where brother kills brother because of the fascists, then let’s guarantee the biggest victory in the country’s history, Maduro told his supporters. On Sunday, Maduro says that he will respect the election result regardless of the outcome, reports AFP. Edmundo Gonzalez leads the polls before the election. He is a retired diplomat. Photo: Alexandre Meneghini / Reuters – I will recognize the election, the official polling station, and I will ensure that it is respected, he said after casting his vote in the capital, Caracas. Benedikte Bull nevertheless believes that the period after the election will be characterized by uncertainty. – It is difficult to imagine that the Maduro regime will admit defeat. And it is equally difficult to imagine that they will actually give power to the opposition, she says. Maduro and his regime have cracked down hard on all opposition over several years in order to secure elections. Over a hundred election campaign workers for the opposition have been arrested in recent weeks. Incumbent President Nicolás Maduro has spent a lot of money on his own election campaign. He has been president of the country since 2012. Photo: Enea Lebrun / Reuters – It is about intervening in political parties, shutting out the most popular politicians, and harassing, imprisoning and torturing people who collaborate with the opposition, says Bull. – There is no doubt that Maduro wishes to stay in power. He has stuffed the state apparatus full of loyal supporters and the military. In addition, he has taken complete control of the electoral council, which will announce the election results, he says. Family reunification One of the reasons why the opposition is more united than ever is that their most important campaign issue has been to create a new Venezuela so that all those who have left the crisis-ridden country can return home. – People want to see their families again. They want to hug the children who have traveled to Colombia, Chile, the USA or other countries to work, says Benedikte Bull. Venezuelan migrants on their way to the United States while crossing the Darien jungle between Colombia and Panama, which is considered the world’s most dangerous jungle. Photo: Fernando Vergara / AP Migration has strongly affected Venezuela since 2015. 7.7 million Venezuelans have fled their homeland since the regime came to power. The most important reason why people leave their home country is that they see no future there. According to Reuters, the country has experienced a drop in GDP of 80 per cent over the course of a decade. With a possible election to the opposition, the problem is in the queue. – The big question is how one manages to establish a new policy that benefits most people. It is an enormous task for the opposition. If Gonzalez manages to win the election, it will be quite a job for him to replace an entire state apparatus, where all are Maduro supporters, says Bull. International pressure Venezuela is faced with severe pressure from the international community. Neighboring Brazil and President Lula da Silva have been clear that the Maduro regime must accept an election defeat if that were to happen. President Lula da Silva in Brazil says he was scared when Maduro warned of bloodshed if he himself did not win the election. Maduro replied that Silva should drink chamomile tea. Photo: Pablo PORCIUNCULA / AFP On Sunday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on all parties to respect the democratic process, writes AFP. – The Venezuelan people deserve an election that reflects their will, without any form of manipulation. The international community will be paying close attention to this, Blinken told reporters in Tokyo. Published 28/07/2024, at 21.56
