Feared that the children wouldn’t get their wishes this year – but received more than they asked for – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

In Tønsberg, over a thousand children have written their Christmas gift wishes on a piece of paper. These were hung on two different Christmas trees in the town. It took just under four weeks before all the wishes were fulfilled. – I was a little afraid that the children wouldn’t get their wishes, but I didn’t need to. I discovered that after two days, says Marita Kruse-Moss. She is team leader for the child welfare service in Tønsberg and project manager for “Juleglede”. The project is about giving children and families in a difficult life situation a slightly better Christmas. – We have received several hundred gifts and clothes that people have bought extra. It has been absolutely incredible and beyond all expectations. OVERWHELMED: Marita Kruse-Moss is team leader for the child welfare service in Tønsberg. She is overwhelmed by the enormous joy of giving this year. – It has been absolutely incredible. Above all expectations. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news Julenisseverksted For several days, employees in the municipality and volunteers from the Sanitetsforeningen have been working to ensure that the right gift goes under the right Christmas tree. They go through each and every gift and check that everything is as it should be. In previous years, news has written about organizations that collect gifts, where several of the packages have contained rubbish and ugly messages. Kruse-Moss has only one experience from a few years ago. A dirty panty that was wrapped. – That is not okay. Now we check and are sure that these children, mums and dads get nice things. Donor satisfaction There has been a big difference in donor satisfaction this year, compared to previous years, Kruse-Moss believes. – I think it does something to people, when there is an eight-year-old boy who wants Lego. It becomes so concrete and clear. She says that the vast majority of gift requests are basic wishes: gym bag, towel, toiletry bag or training T-shirt for gym class. Winter clothes, jacket, hat, scarf or socks. Ironing board for an 18-year-old boy. A 17-year-old girl who wants plates. – What has made the biggest impression on me is that all these children who are given the opportunity to wish for something, wish for things that the vast majority of children have at home. FULFILL THE WISHES: 1,324 children get their wishes fulfilled. Christmas presents cover the floor inside the town hall in Tønsberg. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news 350 families get a better Christmas In the town hall in Tønsberg town hall, the floor is covered with large, red bags and gifts wrapped in Christmas-inspired paper. 350 families receive a bag each with Christmas presents for the children, food for several breakfasts and dinners, Christmas candy and a gift card for a grocery store. For seven years, the Bjarøy Group has contributed food bags to the project. HELPING: Andreas Bjarøy from Bjarøy Gruppen says that they have contributed food bags to the project for several years. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news – We think it is very sad that there are families who have to sit on Christmas Eve without food on the table, says Andreas Bjarøy. The gift card is financed by donations received via Vipps. This is both from the business world and private individuals. Over NOK 100,000 has come in, says Kruse-Moss. – It is very touching.
