Fear of drought could affect wine production – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Europe is boiling. Several countries are now affected by heat waves with temperatures above 40 degrees. – They are deadly, not only for nature and animals, but also for humans, says climate researcher Tore Furevik to NTB about the heat waves. In Verrayes in the Aosta Valley in northern Italy, temperatures plummeted in the 1930s as early as May. – And it is at the height we are at 1200 meters, says Frode Venmork Refstad to news. He is a winemaker and runs the vineyard Cantina la Marmotta. He fears for this year’s crops. – Not sure it matures About this year’s wines from Cantina la Marmotta never when the people’s throats are too early to say. But it is approaching a breaking point. – The earth cracks. You also see the leaves on vines and other types of fruit trees begin to curl, says Refstad. Winegrower Frode Venmork Refstad is worried that this year’s crops will not mature due to drought and heat waves in Italy. Photo: Private – Is it a small disaster? asks host Ugo Fermariello in news Nyhetsmorgen. – Yes, I would say that. Usually there are no restrictions on irrigation where Refstad runs a farm. The soil is sandy, and retains moisture poorly, so it must be watered frequently. Therefore, it is critical that restrictions have now been placed on irrigation. – Now we are not allowed to water, because the magazines are empty. So we hope it ripens, but it is not certain, says Refstad about the grapes that will one day become wine. More heat waves ahead High temperatures and drought will be seen even more in the future, according to Furevik. – Future heat waves will be even warmer and last even longer, says the climate researcher to NTB. Furevik is not surprised by the large weather differences. He says that even though climate research has pointed to this for a number of years, one can never be completely sure that the weather is due to climate change. Climate researcher Tore Furevik says the heat waves will be warmer and more prolonged in the time ahead. Photo: Jan-Morten Bjørnbakk / NTB Weather and wind change all the time, the researcher points out. – But one can say with certainty that the probability that we would get equally high temperatures without global warming is small, says Furevik. Has opened reserve magazines The current situation also has to do with the amount of precipitation, Refstad says. – We received no precipitation this autumn, and this winter there was extremely little snow on our side of the Alps. The soil begins to crack, and the leaves begin to curl on the vines of Frode Venmork Refstad in the Aosta Valley in Italy. Photo: Frode Venmork Refstad The spring has also been dry, apart from some heavy rain showers of almost tropical strength. – And it does not really work, says the winemaker. Spare magazines have now been opened in the mountains of the Aosta Valley. – We’ll see if it helps. We do not know, says Refstad.
