Fathers react strongly after the warning cases in the defense – news Nordland

– Seeing girls being treated in such a way made a very strong impression. That’s what Bård Ludvig Thorheim, representative of the Conservative Party in Nordland, says. He himself has a background in the defense and four children. He reacted very strongly, also as a father. Bård Ludvig Thorheim is a veteran of the Armed Forces and a trained intelligence officer Photo: Allan Klo / news – I recently spoke to my daughter about the Armed Forces and said a lot of positive things about working in the Armed Forces. But you never know if you are unlucky and end up in such an environment. On Saturday, news reported on yet another case where harassment was reported in the Armed Forces. The notice described sexual harassment of eleven female soldiers and three rapes in the initial service. – The fact that one’s own children risk ending up in a place where neither fellow soldiers nor the commanding officer will take hold when you speak clearly is a frightening thought, he says. Several others have reacted to what has come to light. One of them is journalist and author Kjetil Stormak. He knows the defense very well. – I am the father of three girls, and I want to strongly warn them against serving conscription in the conditions that are now being revealed. Sexual harassment unacceptable, he writes in an analysis published on the Defense Forum. There, he is clear that replacing the defense chief is a possible solution. – Next, a new chief of defense should properly clean up his own ranks. He or she should replace everyone who stands in the way of establishing a new culture where such abuses actually have consequences. The proportion of women in the primary service is 34.5 per cent. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB He believes that this is the only way to effectively communicate that sexual harassment is unacceptable. – A new culture cannot be adopted. It must be created from the top down, by new cultural carriers. Those who are to defend the country against an external enemy, if the country is once again put to a serious test, must be able to be sure that they will not be sexually harassed and raped at work. news has been given permission to reproduce the post, and Stormark has no further comments beyond that. – No chance in a fight Storting representative Thorheim himself has officer training from the Norwegian Armed Forces and is also a trained intelligence officer at the Norwegian Armed Forces’ school in intelligence and security services. As a veteran, he himself has experience from creating situations. – When you are out in a sharp situation with life at stake, you have to trust each other. You depend on each other and fight for each other. If you have a bullying culture in a department, you have no chance in a dispute. Bård Ludvig Thorheim (H) says that if you have a bullying culture in a department, you have no chance in a dispute. Photo: Privat He believes this problem has existed for a long time in the defence. – You have noticed that harassment exists. When we now see such glaring examples, it is a culture that has not gone away. A view of women that does not belong in Norway. A culture among soldiers and commanders where bullying and harassment are not dealt with. He believes that ultimately it is about Norway’s defense capability. – There are values ​​that do not hold if we are to be able to defend the country. He believes that the only person in the report who appears to have the values ​​that the Armed Forces should have, namely courage, strength and openness, is Silje Falmår himself. – She takes up these difficult incidents and speaks out on behalf of others – But any case of abuse is too much The topic has been debated in news for the past week. Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen has taken part in several debates, including on the Debate and Monday’s broadcast of Dagsnytt 18. In the Debate, Kristoffersen says that he has no intention of giving up. – I will work very hard for this, and that we will overcome this problem. In Dagsnytt 18 he was asked what he thinks about the fact that there are probably many parents who think “I don’t want to send my son or daughter here”. – We find that many who come in for the first service are very satisfied. But any instance of abuse is one too many. The armed forces are working hard on this here and I promise that we will continue to do so, he replied and added: – That is why I would like to thank the whistleblowers and the media, who have focused on this. It makes us better. It has been handled too poorly and we must improve on this.
