Father’s Day is underway – lots of party noise at Møllenberg in Trondheim – news Trøndelag

– Godfather week is underway. That’s what operations manager in the police, Ole Petter Hollingen, says. Before the weekend, news wrote about the district of Møllenberg in Trondheim, where there was so much partying and so late into the night last year, that this year a special security guard has been installed to try to calm down at night. But already on the first day of having my own watchman during the godfather week, many messages have come in that the police describe as “party noise, screaming and yelling”. They have also had a number of reports of heavily intoxicated people who have been dealt with by both the police and health – This is particularly the case around Møllenberg and the areas there, says the operations manager. I think it went well – There are, of course, quite a few more messages than expected. At the same time, you can see that it has mostly been quiet and calm when the police have arrived at the parties. That’s what the leader of the Norwegian Welfare Board, Øystein Fruseth Christiansen, says. – People have calmed down when the police have arrived and there has been a good dialogue. So it seems to be a good collaboration with the police. Christiansen says they are keeping a close eye on the situation going forward, and says they will have a close dialogue with everyone who may be affected by student parties. – We have a godfather scheme that is out in the city at night and follows along. They provide food and water to the students. Then we want to hear from the police, residents of Møllenberg, the municipality and others how they experience godfather week, and whether there is anything we need to adjust. Municipal director Morten Wolden says he has not received reports that there was much noise last night. – We have to expect that things will happen. We have the largest university in the Nordic countries, and we welcome the students. So we have to have some tolerance, as long as it doesn’t take off. Leader of the Norwegian Welfare Board, Øystein Fruseth Christiansen. Photo: Jøte Toftaker / news Preparing not to sleep news has spoken to several people who live in Møllenberg. Some report that they have heard a lot of noise, while others say that they have heard little. Ellen Loxley sits on the board of Møllenberg and Rosenborg welfare association, and is not surprised that there has been some noise. – Those who live at Møllenberg are preparing not to sleep for a week, and it shouldn’t be like that. – I think it was disappointing that there was so much noise, but it is good that people speak up. She hopes that the rest of the sponsor’s week will go well for her, and says that she thinks it seems that the line association is better prepared this year. She thinks it’s disappointing that there was a row last night, but still thinks it’s nice to have the students back. – It’s nice to have the students back, but a middle ground must be found, says Loxley.
