Father and son sentenced to prison for gross violations of the Animal Welfare Act – news Vestland

It was the Norwegian Food Safety Authority that uncovered the appalling conditions in autumn 2020. When they came to inspect the farm on Osterøy, they found 22 animals stuck in manure up to their bellies. The animals lived in such large amounts of manure that they had problems resting. Five cattle had already died from drowning or exhaustion. A further two animals had to be killed. In Hordaland district court in December last year, father and son were sentenced to prison for one year and nine months and 120 days, for gross neglect of a total of 38 animals. The Court of Appeal thought the correct sentence for both was 1 year and 10 months in prison. After a reduced sentence, the father was sentenced to prison for 1 year and 8 months and the son to prison for 1 year and 6 months. The father was also banned from having anything to do with animals for the rest of his life. The son was sentenced to the same ban next door in the district court.
