Families of hostages taken by Hamas ask for help – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– It’s urgent. There is a nine-month-old baby and a three-year-old child there. And my aunt who has Parkinson’s. Yifat Zailer tearfully tells the Reuters news agency on a video link that six of her family members are missing and are being held in Gaza. Six of Yifat Zailer’s family members are missing. Photo: Yifat Zailer via Reuters She wishes she could travel back in time. Back to Friday. Then the Tel Aviv resident was happy and her extended family was at home in the kibbutz close to the Gaza border. But then Saturday came. Hamas militants stormed across the border. Zailer says she texted her family to see how her aunt, uncle, cousin, cousin’s husband and their two young children were doing. Around 9 o’clock no one answered anymore. A video shared with Zailer that Reuters has seen but has not confirmed appears to show Zailer’s cousin and two children being led away by gunmen. Yifat Zailer is worried about the 9-month-old baby. Photo: Yifat Zailer via Reuters – I don’t know if the baby was fed. I don’t know if he got his diaper… I really want to go back by Friday. You know, I want to close my eyes and this whole thing was a nightmare,” Zailer says. Everyone is affected – It has been five long sleepless days and nights. Noam Peri is in Israel. During an online meeting organized by the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she told journalists from all over the world how the last few days have been. She said terrorists broke into her parents’ house in Kibbutz Nir Oz early Saturday morning. Her almost 80-year-old father tried to push them away so that her mother could hide. He was then caught, Peri said. – We have not heard anything from my father or the other kidnapped since Saturday. Her parents have lived in Nir Oz for over 60 years. Now everything is different. She says the terrorists went from house to house. Now homes have been burned, many have been killed and several are missing. – They slaughtered my friends, people I grew up with. She adds that her father fought for human rights. Now he himself has been captured. The 40-year-old asks international organizations present in Gaza to help. – Help us connect with our loved ones. Young and old According to the Israeli authorities, up to 150 people have been taken hostage. They must be from several different countries, and among them there must be both soldiers, civilians, children and the elderly. news has previously told about 85-year-old Yaffa Adar from a kibbutz near Gaza. The family realized she had been kidnapped when they saw pictures of her on social media. In the pictures, it appears that she is being transported towards Gaza by Hamas. GAZA: 85-year-old Yaffar Adar is transported towards Gaza by Hamas. It was this video that the family recognized on social media. – I can’t imagine how scared she is. She is 85 years old, sick and does not have her medication. Without the medicine, she is in a lot of pain, said granddaughter Adva Adar. A desperate appeal In Germany, a mother is waiting for her daughter. Ricarda Louk told the Reuters news agency that her daughter Shani Louk was attending a festival near the Gaza border when Hamas militants stormed the area. According to the BBC, fire was opened and terrified revelers were sent fleeing through the desert. Among the participants at the festival was Shani Louk. Photo: via Reuters Ricarda Louk says she saw a video of her daughter after she was caught. – This is really my desperate appeal to all of Germany to help me get my Shani home in good health.
