– Extremely sour – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It is so close. But close doesn’t last. Then it gets extra sour, says Birgitte Lersbryggen. The margins finally decided in the semi-finals, and the result is clear: Three men will be seen in next week’s final of the Champion of Champions. – There were tough opponents again, says the floorball player to news. – Sorry mum Friday’s semi-final offered a rollercoaster of emotions for some participants. Perhaps not so surprising: the first task consisted of navigating on rings that hang 60 meters above the ground. Then to plunge into free fall. – I have promised my mother that I will never bungee jump, says Pål André Helland. He admits that he is “scared of shit”. Something his facial expression confirms in the seconds before he goes into the fire. But he dares. – Sorry mum, says Helland. Still dangling in the air, after the worst of the shock has worn off. The footballer has to settle for last place. UREDD TYPE: Anders Aukland threw himself into exercise number 1 with great conviction. He completes all the rings and wins the competition. Photo: Alice Asplund / Nordisk Banijay/news Nor was Lersbryggen prepared for the task ahead. She, too, had promised herself never to bungee jump. She admits to news that it took a phone conversation with both a best friend and a father before she ventured out. On the phone, Dad said some well-chosen words. – You must remember, Birgitte, nothing is impossible. Lersbryggen ventures out twice. She ends up in third place. Photo: Alice Asplund / Nordisk Banijay/news Dreaded new fade Skier Anders Aukland got off to a particularly good start in the semi-finals. But when task number two turns out to be about memorization, he doesn’t get high. The last time something had to be memorized in the Master of Masters, it went well for Aukland. And as he feared, he ends up in last place this time too. But he is not the only one struggling with his memory. HOW WAS THIS AGAIN: There were a few laps left to look at the face for Ole-Kristian Bryhn. HMMM: Birgitte Lersbryggen also had to think carefully along the way. She ended up in third place in the exercise. SLITER: Last place is taken by Anders Aukland. For the second time in the program, he ends up at the bottom of an exercise that is about memorization. Pål André Helland impresses in the task and takes a clear victory. And then the big test of strength awaits: 50 burpees. Ole-Kristian Bryhn gathers all his strength. But it is Pål Andrè Helland who finishes first. Anders Aukland comes in second. But that was as far as he was not passed by Lersbryggen. The margins are tiny. But it is Birgitte Lersbryggen who has to leave the Master of Masters. The goal was to win – I had a goal to go all the way, says the floorball player to news. Lersbryggen has no doubt that it was sad to come so close to the final. But she looks back on the Master of Masters as a very fun experience. – I have seen it as an honor to be asked to be here. Good hugs in the rain. Photo: Alice Asplund / Nordisk Banijay/news The 49-year-old is the first to represent floorball in the Champions of Masters. She is incredibly happy to be able to do that: – Indoor bandy has such great potential, she says and adds: – There are so many children and young people who can get into indoor bandy and get so much joy from playing sport and team sports in a simple way. Birgitte Lersbryggen has an impressive career behind her, and has, among other things, been referred to as the world’s best floorball player. Photo: Privat In the Master of Masters, it is the people and all the experiences they have shared that she will take with her further – But right now I feel that the strongest memory is when I let myself down from the bungy thing, she says with a laugh. Alice Asplund Birgitte Lersbryggen Represents floorball, but has also played ice hockey and soccer at national team level. She has won the NM, the points league and was named player of the year in the Norwegian elite series. In the 90s, she became a professional player in Swedish Balrog. There she was referred to as the world’s best floorball player. Alice Asplund Birgitte Lersbryggen In Sweden she won four SM golds, a win in the Eliteserien’s points league in 2002 and three wins in the European Cup. She finished as top player in floorball in 2005, but has continued to play on Swedish club teams and only recently moved back to Norway.Birgitte LersbryggenAt the age of 44, Lersbryggen started firefighter training in Sweden. Today, she works as a fire constable in Norway.
