– Extremely demanding – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Municipal chief physician in Lillesand, Thor-Erling Engemyr, has been working in a hospital in Gaza for two weeks, and describes it as extremely demanding. He and the rest of the Norwac team have been treating the wounded while bombs and shells have fallen around the Gaza European Hospital. Engemyr says that they see almost only blast injuries after bombings, and many patients have had parts of their bodies blown off. Up to 25,000 people have sought cover around the hospital, and many are donating blood to save lives. Engemyr is one of three from the Norwac team to go home, but he hopes to be able to return and work in Gaza again. Engemyr’s efforts in Gaza are praised by colleagues and the mayor of Lillesand, who are impressed by his work in dangerous conditions. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – We almost only see explosion damage after bombings. Many of the patients who come in have had parts of their bodies blown off, and very often their legs. This is what Lillesand’s chief municipal doctor Thor-Erling Engemyr says in a recording from Gaza on Tuesday evening. For the past two weeks, he and the rest of the Norwac team have been treating the wounded while bombs and shells have fallen around the Gaza European Hospital. – It has been extremely demanding, because we are in the middle of a war zone. Buildings and windows shake. We hear shooting and know that Israeli tanks are 400, 500 meters from us, says Engemyr. He contributes as an orthopedist and says that there are now only two hospitals with functioning operating theatres. Operating room at Gaza European Hospital. Photo: private The war is getting closer The hospital the Norwegian team is working at is located on the outskirts of the town of Khan Younis in the south of the Gaza Strip. Up to 25,000 people have sought cover around the hospital. – We just received a ten-year-old boy whose leg we had to amputate. Fortunately, we manage to save his life because many people who live around the hospital donate blood, says Engemyr. Orthopedist Thor-Erling Engemyr (in the middle). The Norwegian group also includes orthopedist Geir Stray Andreassen, operating room nurse Hilde Vollan, operating room nurse Kjersti Fiveland and anesthetist Mohammed Abou-Arab. Photo: NTB He says that even more people have moved to the area around the hospital where he is in recent days. – The hospital in the city, Al-Nassr, is under siege, so people there have become more afraid. In the last few days, around 10,000 have fled from there and to the hospital we are in, says Engemyr. – Strong impressions Many of the patients the team has treated at the hospital have lost large parts of their families. Engemyr tells about the dentist who was hospitalized with minor injuries, and who has lost four grandchildren, three adult daughters and his mother. He tells about the 13-year-old girl, who had her leg amputated at the hip. She has lost six siblings and her parents. – There are so many stories here. Everyone makes an impression, especially when it comes to children, says the doctor. Thor-Erling Engemyr has worked as an orthopedist and participated in many operations. Photo: private – Hope I can come back On Wednesday, three members of the Norwac team are scheduled to return home. Engemyr is one of them and thus finished in Gaza for this time. – I am looking forward to coming home to my family, my wife and my children. I miss them a lot when I’m here, he says. Although the stay has made a strong impression, the municipal supervisor can imagine more assignments in Gaza. – These patients need months of treatment before they have a functioning life. I hope I can come back and work. On Tuesday, 21 doctors from the United States came to the hospital. Thor-Erling Engemyr would like to return to Gaza. Photo: private Proud colleagues Thor-Erling Engemyr is both municipal chief physician and local politician for the Labor Party in Lillesand. Mayor Einar Holmer-Hoven (H) says he is very happy to have a person like Engemyr in politics and praises his efforts in Gaza. – I will be proud. He exposes himself to great danger and that commands great respect, he says. Among Engemyr’s politician colleagues are both a nurse and a retired doctor. Both are impressed. – What Thor-Erling is doing is very tough and I have thought a lot about him, says nurse and group leader in KrF Janne Kristine Tjøstveit. Arnt Helleren in the Pensioners’ Party is a retired doctor. – What Engemyr does is admirable, he says. Mayor of Lillesand Einar Holmer-Hoven (H), says he is proud of Engemyr’s efforts in Gaza. Photo: Svein Sundsdal / news
