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– This extremely dangerous decision takes the conflict to a new level of confrontation and is in stark contrast to statements by German politicians that Germany will not be drawn in, says Russia’s ambassador in Berlin Sergey Netshaev in an announcement. After hesitating for several weeks, Germany has now decided to send Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine and will also allow other countries to do so, says a government spokesman. In the first instance, there is talk of sending 14 such tanks to Ukraine, which have great impact. The aim is to send two battalions, which means up to 100 tanks. Germany will supply both ammunition and offer the Ukrainians training. – This decision follows our well-known line to support Ukraine to the best of our ability. We coordinate this closely internationally, says an announcement from Prime Minister Olaf Scholz. Putin is not intimidated The Russian ambassador in Berlin claims that the German government has with its decision renounced its historical responsibility towards Russia, a hint to the German Nazi regime’s war crimes against Russia during the Second World War. President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said earlier on Wednesday that the decision to send tanks has failed, and that the West is overestimating its “potential”. – These tanks, like all others, will burn. They are just very expensive and it is European taxpayers who have to foot the bill, he said. Great importance for Ukraine From before, Ukraine has received many old, but modernized tanks from Western countries. Leopard 2 will give Ukraine a completely different strike force in its fight against the Russian attack forces. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says the German tanks can help Ukraine win. President Volodymy Zelenskyi’s chief of staff Andrij Jermak welcomes Germany’s decision. – The first step has now been taken. Next is a tank coalition. We need many Leopards, says Jermak. Other countries ready to follow Britain and Poland, which have already decided to send tanks to Ukraine, welcome Germany’s decision. Poland and Great Britain will send 14 tanks each. The US may send dozens of M1 Abrams tanks, although the Pentagon is currently hesitating. The Netherlands and Spain say they are ready to deliver tanks to Ukraine if Ukraine wants it, while France is currently content with sending lighter armored vehicles. But with the delivery of the Leopard 2, NATO and Germany are sending a clear signal today. It may cause more people to follow suit. Spain says they are open to delivering the Leopard 2. – Spain is ready to cooperate with our allies, whether it is to send the Leopard 2 or assist with training or maintenance, says Defense Minister Margarita Robles to Spanish TV. Norway is also considering sending some of its Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine.
