Extended charge after death in Ørland in Trøndelag – Latest news – news

19 July 2023 at 12:01 Extended charges after death in Ørland in Trøndelag On 30 June 2023, the police in Trøndelag received a report of a suspicious death in Ørland municipality. A woman was found lifeless by her husband at a residential address in Ørland municipality in Trøndelag. The husband was arrested and charged with murder on Tuesday 4 July. The police announced on Wednesday that they are now expanding the charges against the man. – The charge has now been extended to also apply to attempted murder by poisoning in connection with the fact that the deceased was admitted with poisoning in February this year. The victim did not die from the poisoning at the time because she underwent medical treatment at St. Olav’s hospital. It is the same substance that has been detected in the deceased’s body on both occasions, says police attorney Ole Andreas Aftret at Trøndelag police district. – The police can inform that the cause of death is believed to be due to poisoning with a strong pain-relieving preparation that is often used in medical treatment. As of now, the central focus of the investigation is to clarify how the deceased ingested this substance, he continues.
