Explosion in Stockholm – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– We heard a huge bang and the house shook a bit, says Åsa, who lives in the area, to Aftonbladet. It sounded like glass and wood breaking, she says. No one has been reported injured in the incident. Those who live in the low-rise block where the explosion occurred are being evacuated with a ladder truck. – The entire house is now being evacuated due to the risk of landslides. All apartments must be evacuated, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl to Aftonbladet. – We are in contact with the municipality about where these people will stay. I am afraid they will have to settle for spending the night in another place, says Wikdahl. The explosion occurred in Farsta in the south of Stockholm at 9.30pm, Swedish police write on their website. When they arrived at the scene, they saw that something had exploded at the entrance. Large forces have moved out to Farsta. Photo: TT NEWS AGENCY – Many people called in about this here, and several people were at home when it happened, says police spokesperson Daniel Wikdahl. Emergency services are asking people to stay away from their windows. Extensive damage The staircase has suffered extensive damage, and several doors have been broken. There is also damage inside apartments, the police say. The subway and the commuter train are also closed in both directions, writes Aftonbladet. The aim was to prevent any perpetrators from taking that route from the crime scene. No one has been arrested so far. This is the third explosion in the Stockholm area in the last 24 hours. And the police have started an investigation into the incident as public destruction. Farsta is located in the south of Stockholm. Explosions are linked to criminal networks On Monday there was first an explosion in Fagersjø in Farsta, in which five people were injured, and seven hours later it exploded in a terraced house on Lindingö. Two young men are registered at the two addresses, both of whom have recently been indicted for attempted murder and murder plans that are connected to the autumn’s conflict in the Foxtrot network, writes SVT. SVT has also produced an overview of the explosions in Sweden based on police statistics.
