Explosion in gas pipeline between Latvia and Lithuania

There has been an explosion in a gas pipeline between Latvia and Lithuania. Reuters reports. The cause of the explosion is not known. A village with around 250 inhabitants is being evacuated and the flames are 50 meters into the air, reports the state-run Lithuanian channel LRT. The village of Valakėliai is less than a kilometer from the gas pipeline, but the evacuation is under control, local police inform the channel. The explosion happened around 5 pm on Friday in Pasvalio Vienkiemiai. So far, no injuries or fatalities have been reported following the explosion. – A high-pressure gas pipeline exploded near Valakėlia in the Pasvalis district. It is located next to the road Pasvalys – Šiauliai, district mayor Gintautas Gegužinskas writes on Facebook. To LRT, Gegužinskas says that you could hear unexpected sounds before the explosion. Photo: Gintautas Gegužinskas / Facebook
