Explosion in Drøbak – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

There has been an explosion at the entrance to a residential building in a dense residential area in Drøbak, the police say. They received several calls last night at 03:00 about loud bangs. Those who live there have been evacuated. There should be 6-7 people, both adults and children. There is damage to the building, but no one was injured. The police are now conducting a tactical and technical investigation. – In this work, we have both forensic technicians and assistance from national emergency resources at the bomb squad, says operations manager Trond Lorentzen. Large police resources, including the police bomb squad, are connected to the case. Photo: Hans O. Torgersen / NTB Linked to a criminal youth environment It is too early to say anything about the cause. The police tell news that there is no question of a random explosion, and that it can be linked to an environment the police know from the past. – This looks like a deliberate and targeted action against this home. We have reason to believe that this has its origins in a local criminal youth environment. We believe that there are links between one of the people who lived at this address and this environment, says police station chief Rune Albertsen. Regarding the criminal environment, he says that it is about people around and slightly older than legal age. The police will not go into details about this environment. – But we are talking about traditional youth crime that young people engage in. It is an environment we have worked with for a long time, and have a good overview of, says Albertsen. He will not go into whether there are any arrests during the day. Do not suspect that there are more explosives The police do not consider that there is any other danger to the population of Drøbak. They do not suspect that there are more explosives in the area. Task leader Anders Strømsæther says that the police are working on the scene to find out what happened. – The police work on the basis of various hypotheses. The investigation will reveal why this has happened, and whether this is aimed at specific people. But it is too early to say, he says. The police are conducting a tactical and technical investigation in connection with the explosion. Photo: Torstein Georg Bøe / news – Relatively large damage According to him, the explosion must have occurred on the outside of the entrance to the home. – There is relatively extensive damage to the house. This is an incident that the police take very seriously, says Strømsæther. There is damage to the front door, and there should also be damage in the hallway behind the door, the police say. When asked if the police currently know that it was a bomb that exploded, Strømsæther says: – It is an object that has exploded. That’s all I can say about it, says Strømsæther. The police have cordoned off a large area. Photo: Torstein Georg Bøe / news Large area cordoned off The police have cordoned off a large area around where the explosion took place. – We want the forensic technicians to work in peace. In addition, we want to protect some residents in the area. Eventually, we will open up the area more and make it more accessible, says Strømsæther. He says the police will be working for several hours to come. – We use the time that is necessary. We are putting considerable resources into the work at the site and the surrounding investigation, says Strømsæther.
