Exploded capacity in the health service after hundreds of broken bones on the ice – news Vestland

It’s not just about getting around when the weather changes and the ground turns to ice. Monica Glans from Halden is one of those who have had an unfortunate encounter with the slippery ice. It happened when she was on her way to work on Tuesday morning. Big problem in traffic – I noticed it straight away. It simply broke, it was completely different, she says from the hospital bed. Glans is grateful that some neighbors in the street saw what happened. They came running with blankets and called the ambulance. A little after 09.00 she was at the hospital. On Tuesday afternoon, she was waiting for an operation on her foot, where there were two fractures. – I hope there will be an operation tonight or tomorrow, she says. Mirror-glossy roads led to major traffic problems on Tuesday with derailments and accidents in Østfold. In addition, many fell and collapsed. – It really is about life as an effort. I’m so old, if I knew that I’d break down, says Laila Oppedal in Førde. She ventured out into the street, but dropped the stings, she says. – I don’t wear spikes. I took the trip to Førde today and then I had to wear slightly nicer shoes, says Laila Oppedal whom news meets in Førde. Photo: Ole Kristian Svalheim / news Employees staying overnight at the workplace On both Monday and Tuesday, several people had to visit emergency rooms and hospitals in several places in the country. – I think I had 88 patients at the casualty clinic yesterday. That’s 30 per cent more than I’ve ever had, says head of department Asbjørn Sorteberg at the orthopedic department at Østfold Hospital. Ten people came in with broken hips. It was a long working day for the employees. – A couple of nurses slept in the casualty clinic and were here so long that it was possible to treat patients. In addition, several doctors on duty, who were supposed to be at home, were in and working. So it all worked out, says Sorteberg. 100 new crime injuries in one day In Ålesund, municipal chief physician Alexander Wiig tells of a marked increase in people with crime injuries. Alexander Wiig, chief municipal doctor in Ålesund, says there is a lot of traffic at both the doctor’s office and emergency room. Photo: Josef Benoni Ness Tveit / news – Yes, I’m busy now. There are many respiratory tract infections that come in addition to these fall injuries and broken bones. There are both corona, influenza, RS virus, gastrointestinal virus and scarlet fever. Torbjørn Hiis Bergh at the trauma clinic in Bergen told about over a hundred new patients in the fracture department just yesterday. – Most wrist and ankle fractures occur on such roads. In addition, there are a number of shoulder and knee injuries, as well as femoral neck fractures. When it’s smooth outside, I notice an increase. Of those news has spoken to, only Innlandet Hospital and University Hospital Northern Norway have not noticed an upswing in fall injuries in recent days. Green preparedness at the hospital in Stavanger In Stavanger, the hospital is on green preparedness. Influenza season, corona disease and broken bones on the ice mean that they now have to set priorities. Elisabeth Farbu, deputy managing director at Stavanger University Hospital, says that the hospital is now looking at where they can prioritize their efforts. Photo: Svein Lunde – I have several events going on at the same time. We have a large influx of children with RS infection, a flu season that is approaching, several people who are hospitalized with covid-19, we also have this external cause, says deputy managing director at Stavanger University Hospital Elisabeth Farbu.
