Exploded capacity at Animal Protection – cannot take in more cats – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Animal protection in Vestfold has introduced a stop to the intake of cats because the capacity has been exceeded. The situation is particularly critical just before the summer holidays, which is usually a busy period for the organisation. Animal Protection Norway reports similar situations in several of their local branches. In Vestfold, Animal Protection is looking for new foster homes for cats that need extra care. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. – Now it’s completely full, says leader Bård Kirkeeng in Animal Protection Vestfold Norway. At the organisation, which is based at Skoppum in Horten, cats have piled up recently. Now they have introduced an intake freeze. They are not alone in that. According to Animal Protection in Norway, the situation is the same over large parts of the country. Many cats do not get the help they need. Excited before the summer holidays Some of the cats that are cared for at Skoppum have ended up here in connection with cases where the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the police have been involved. The organization also has a guarantee scheme. It means that people who have previously adopted a cat can return it if something happens that means they can no longer have it. – This year, many more have arrived than before, just before the summer holidays, says Kirkeeng. – We have the maximum number of cats we should have. Now we hope that there is someone out there who needs a new friend, says leader Bård Kirkeeng in Animal Protection Norway Vestfold. Photo: Mads Thygesen / news Summer is usually the busiest time of the year for the animal welfare organisation. – We are a bit worried about how we will manage to achieve this, when we know that there are many animals out there who need help. Now everyone is at the pumps to try to make this work. Applies to the whole country Several local departments are full now, says Åshild Roaldset, veterinarian and general manager of Animal Protection Norway. Some cats don’t get the help they need, she says. – It is very disturbing that we are in such a situation. We had not allowed this for any other species. Cats have the same rights as other animals. Both owners and the authorities must take that seriously, believes Åshild Roaldset. Photo: Bjørne Østrem Djukastein The influx is greatest when kittens are born in the summer. That is why it is important that people castrate their cats, says Roaldset. – Far too many cats are born compared to how many good cat homes there are. Courtesy of animal lovers In Vestfold, they are looking for new foster homes for cats that need a little extra care before they can be adopted. Mille is one of the cats at Animal Protection Vestfold who needs a new home. Photo: Animal protection Vestfold Often it concerns scared and unsafe animals that need a new start. The organization contributes with equipment, support and advice, explains Kirkeeng. Usually the number of adoptions decreases in the summer, but Kirkeeng believes the holidays are a great opportunity to get a pet if you plan to stay at home. – It is incredibly rewarding to be able to give an animal a new start in life. Published 12.06.2024, at 05.48
