Experts surprised by tactical choice – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

There was never anything particularly exciting when Norway met the EC debutants Switzerland in the second match in the group stage. At half-time the score was 19-9, despite the fact that goalkeeper Schüpbach had a save percentage of 32. The handball girls ended up with 38 goals against Switzerland’s 21. – They lasted almost the whole match. A pretty good match against cheap opposition, says news’s ​​expert Marit Malm Frafjord. The biggest surprise was the way Switzerland behaved from the start. They had prepared, and came up with tactical variants that the experts have not seen for many years. Assistant coach Mats Olsson was very pleased that the Norwegian team was able to practice against this type of tactic. To his surprise, Norway’s Henny Reistad played great in the opening match against Croatia on Friday, and the Swiss team had obviously noticed that. From the start, Switzerland’s stamp was on ho. This means that one player follows the opposing player, to try to shut him out of the match. That surprised news’s ​​experts. – I can’t think of the last time a stamp was taken in a championship. At least not from the start of the match, you like to do that when someone has scored ten goals, said news’s ​​commentator Patrick Rowlands. news’s ​​expert Marit Frafjord thought it was great to see. – Great to see Switzerland taking the initiative, she said. CLOSE: Switzerland followed Henny Reistad over the entire course from the start. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB Tried to surprise Norway’s assistant coach Mats Olsson was particularly pleased with the way Switzerland behaved, and describes it almost as an order to wish for training. – They played seven against six games the whole time, so we got to practice it. And then they marked us with a stamp, and got to practice it. In addition, we forced Switzerland to finish on the edge, so that the goalkeepers could practice it. We are very pleased with that, Olsson told news during the break. – When was the last time you saw such a stamp grip from the start? – We use to joke that nobody takes him out on the track. It’s no surprise from us, but it’s a bit unusual. Now they decided on that tactic and tried to surprise us with stamps and seven-on-six games, he says. In the second half, it was Stine Bredal Oftedal who had to face a Swiss stamp. FOOTSTEPS: Stine Bredal Oftedal was the next opponent Switzerland tried to put out of the match. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB Young resistance Switzerland are EC debutants this year, and it was expected that the score would be in favor of Norway in this match. In previous results, Norway has won comfortably each time. If you take away the goalkeepers on the Swiss team, the average age is under 22 years.
