Experts have concluded – this is how Norway should become healthier – news Nordland

Approximately 90 percent of the burden of disease and approximately two-thirds of deaths in Norway are due to diseases and disorders that can be reduced by… Good diet. We are then talking about non-communicable diseases such as: Cancer Diabetes type 2 Cardiovascular diseases Dementia Mental disorders. The government will do something about this. Therefore, they have asked a group of experts to prepare a report with concrete proposals for cost-effective measures that will contribute to a better diet. On Friday, the report will be presented to Minister of Health and Care Ingvild Kjerkol. The expert group The members of the expert group had as of Monday to prepare a study with concrete proposals for cost-effective titlaks that will contribute to a better diet and equalize social differences in the diet in Norway. Members of the expert group: Geir Sverre Braut (leader), professor, University of Stavanger Liv Elin Torheim, professor department director, Institute of Public Health Steinar Krokstad, professor, NTNU Sinne Smed, professor, University of Copenhagen Mathias Ekström, professor, NHH, Bergen Kristin Hollung, head of research, Nofima Hans Olav Melberg, professor, UiO, UiT Vigdis Brit Skulberg, head of section, Oslo municipality Tine Sundfør, clinical nutritionist, Ph.D., Bærum hospital Kyrre Dybdal, president of the national association of Norwegian chefs, assistant professor Ole Vigs vgs. Effective measures Under the heading “Effective dietary measures”, Geir Sverre Braut, the leader of the project, tells about which measures they think can make us healthier. He explains that the group has broad expertise and has been working together since, since 4 July. It has been an important goal for the group to reach everyone in society, including those with less means. The report states that these are the most important measures: Ban on the marketing of unhealthy food to children and young people Propose free fruit and vegetables to children and young people Tax on sugary drinks Mandatory food labeling Reduction of portion sizes – There is a wide range of measures that can support, supplement or reinforce the main measures. They are distributed under the five main measures, says Braut. Equalizing social differences It is the government itself that has asked for specific dietary measures. – The main goal is to find and evaluate measures and tools that help to promote a healthy diet and at the same time reduce social differences, said Minister of Health and Care Ingvild Kjerkol. The goal has been to find interventions that have the greatest effect for those who need it most, but are also good for everyone. Today, the expert group presents the report, with the concrete proposals. They have been told by the government to both consider measures to: Promote healthy behavior Reduce unhealthy behavior
