Experts believe Ukraine will take advantage of the chaos in Russia – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Saturday evening, the Ukrainian military says that its forces have made progress around the town of Bakhmut and further south in eastern Ukraine. They claim they have advanced in several areas along the front line. This is reported by the AFP news agency. – A great opportunity Professor at the Norwegian Armed Forces College, Tormod Heier, believes the Ukrainians will take advantage of the chaos inside Russia. – The Ukrainian General Staff has probably been quite surprised by developments in Russia. They will probably see this as a great opportunity to take advantage of the chaos. It may be that they are already taking advantage of the uncertain situation on the Russian side before things stabilize again. Professor Tormod Heier at the Norwegian Defense College. Photo: Ole Berg-Rusten / NTB He points out that several Russian forces will be linked to what is happening in his home country and that the Wagner force has surrounded the Russian headquarters in Rostov. – If the headquarters in Rostov ceases to function, the well-organized coordination between the various Russian forces in Ukraine will begin to erode. He believes it will make it easier for Ukraine to penetrate in vulnerable places. Smoke from a burning fuel tank at an oil depot in Voronezh, Russia, June 24. Photo: Reuters – Chaos and panic can easily break out on the Russian side of the front line. The Russian forces in Donbas are used to a centralized command apparatus. If the orders stop coming, the Russians may start improvising. It usually goes badly. Ukraine knows this, says Heier. – A complete chaos – Today the whole world sees that those in power in Russia have no control over anything. This was said by the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, on Saturday evening. President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky. Photo: LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP – It is complete chaos, an absence of predictability, he continued. Zelenskyi went on to say that the Ukrainians will not be calm. – A moral failure Tormod Heier believes that the situation in Russia has a “psychological dimension” in that Russian soldiers are becoming demotivated. He believes that the Ukrainians can exploit that. – The Russian soldiers will most likely experience a reduced willingness to fight when they see that the political and military leadership is unable to agree. For a soldier who is in a foreign man’s land in Ukraine and must sacrifice life and health on behalf of the authorities, this is a moral failure. Senior researcher in NUPI, Jakub M. Godzimirski, says the situation is dramatic and unclear. – It is too early to say how this will develop further. Ukraine will certainly take advantage of this situation. It is the case that this development has changed the situation on the battlefield. Senior researcher, Jakub Godzimirski at NUPI. Photo: Christopher Olssøn – What will the Ukrainians place the most emphasis on? They must first of all map out where opportunities have arisen to carry out counter-attacks. Where Russian lines have been weakened. – We have to count on the fact that the most capable forces can be withdrawn from the front to help the regime in Russia. It could mean a significant weakening of Russia’s ability to defend itself, says the researcher. He also believes that Russian soldiers may become demotivated after this.
