Expert group searches for cause of landslide in Valsøyfjord in Trøndelag – news Trøndelag

– There have been very big forces at work here, and it makes an impression on us to be here. We are thinking of those affected by the landslide – a human life was lost here and it is quite tragic, says Lars Andresen to news. He is the managing director of Norway’s Geotechnical Institute (NGI) and heads the external expert group that the Norwegian Public Roads Administration has appointed to investigate the landslide that occurred in Valsøyfjord in Heim municipality on Friday evening. One person died in the collapse, and six were sent to hospital. On Wednesday, the expert group met for the first time, and began their inspection of the landslide area. Leader of the expert group, Lars Andresen, says it is very useful for them to be in the avalanche area. Photo: Jøte Toftaker / news Full review The expert group received an on-site review from the Norwegian Road Administration about the road project and further a description of the events surrounding the landslide itself and observations made before and after. During the inspection, they have documented the area with, among other things, pictures and film. – We are trying to get an overview of what kind of soil we have in the area and what the loosening area for the landslide looks like, explains Andresen. – We examine the topography of the terrain, in addition to waterways and stream beds, of which it is a part in the area. Furthermore, we have looked at how the road filling has been laid out. Andresen says that there is nothing to indicate that there is quick clay in the area. The expert group consists of Lars Andresen (NGI), Anders Beitnes (Faveo project management), Johan Arnt Vatnan (Cajun Management AS), Arnstein Watn (NTNU) and Ingrid Havnen (NVE). Photo: Jøte Toftaker / news Other causes not ruled out Although the Norwegian Road Administration has already said that there is a high probability that the road work is connected to the landslide, Andresen does not rule out that there may also be other causes. He emphasizes that it is too early to draw conclusions, and says that they will now plan the work further. – When we get an overview of the relevant issues, we must discuss the need to bring in additional expertise, he says. – We must work as quickly as possible, but also take the time we need to do good and thorough work.
