Expelled mother of four “escapes” to neighboring countries with family – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– Now that we have digested the message about eviction, the fighting spirit returns, says husband Rolf Erik Kristensen. He is tired after several years of fighting for his wife Yasmin Kristensen to stay in Norway. Her case was recently dismissed by the European Court of Human Rights. That was the last resort. She is thrown out after 21 years in Norway, because she lied about her country of origin. As an 18-year-old, Yasmin stated that she came from Somalia, but actually she came from Djibouti. At any time, Yasmin can be picked up and thus be separated from her husband Rolf Erik and the four children in Lyngdal. Yasmin has been banned from entering Schengen for two years. After that, she can apply for family reunification. It is also a time consuming process. Light a new hope The family has been in contact with aid groups that have advised them to move to one of Norway’s neighboring countries. – We have talked to people who have moved to Sweden or Denmark, says Rolf Erik. Yasmin Kristensen and her family are now considering moving to a neighboring country for a few years. Photo: Per Kåre Sandbakk / news They are now investigating the possibilities for work and school in Denmark. – The children are sad and rent. They have to leave friends and all their hobbies and start again somewhere else. It is not relevant to join Djibouti’s mother in Africa. And they will be united. Different rules The family’s lawyer Nadin Humlen believes it is an opportunity to move to a neighboring country. – Even if you have been expelled from Schengen, you can ask the country you want to to if they allow entry. Even if you have an entry ban to Schengen. Lawyer Nadin Humlen explains that the EEA solution is a way to circumvent national rules for family immigration. Photo: Private If they allow it, Norwegian citizens can bring their family members regardless of where they are from. You can settle in the country for a period, before the regulations allow you to move back to Norway with family members. – In that sense, you can bypass national rules for family immigration, provided that you have met all the conditions, says Humlen. Can be an obstacle The Immigration Appeals Board (UNE) says that an expulsion from Norway and the Schengen area means that you can not travel to other Schengen countries. – At the same time, Norwegian citizens can exercise rights that are in the EEA agreement, says acting unit leader Erik Mathisen. This means that they can take family members to other EEA countries as long as the conditions for it are met. – If a family member has been expelled from Schengen, it can be an obstacle to join. UNE can not say anything about how the authorities in other EEA countries assess such cases. The desire to fight is back The family is now looking at opportunities to establish themselves in Denmark. Photo: Per Kåre Sandbakk / news The Kristensen family now wants to use the EEA solution. – The goal is to end up in Norway in the end. This is where we belong, says the husband. – It is alpha and omega that we stand together on this, family, friends and acquaintances. It’s great to have so much support. We would never have managed without it.
