– Expect Magnus to make mincemeat of him – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

In recent weeks, large parts of the chess world have asked themselves one question: Did Hans Niemann cheat against Magnus Carlsen? There has been a lot of speculation after Carlsen withdrew from the major tournament Sinquefield Cup and the match against the young American a good two weeks ago. Afterwards, the Norwegian posted a Twitter message, which many have interpreted as an accusation of cheating against Niemann. The 19-year-old has previously admitted to having cheated on two occasions as a 12- and 16-year-old, but denies that he did it after that – also in a meeting with Carlsen. After the game that sent shock waves in the chess community, the two grandmasters will meet again – on Monday during the Champions Chess Tour. – This is something that the whole chess world really comes to bow to, including many outside the usual church noise, says chess expert Torstein Bae to news. TAUS: Magnus Carlsen has not commented on the cheating speculation after the match against Hans Niemann. Photo: ARUN SANKAR / AFP – At WC level – This is the big duel in the chess world after the drama that broke out in St. Louis a little while ago, says Bae. This will be the first meeting between the top players since Carlsen withdrew from the Sinquefield Cup. Bae believes that the match between the two will generate enormous interest, also for those who do not usually follow chess. Based on the cheating speculation and the duel between the players, he believes the party will attract a large audience. – Would you say that interest is at WC level around this parity? – Absolutely. In many ways, perhaps even more. In the world of chess, interest in the WC is incredibly high, but it is not always that you meet so many outside of those who have an interest in chess from before. Whereas here one is on another level, he replies. EXCITED: Torstein Bae thinks the match between the two chess players will attract enormous attention. Photo: Erik Johansen / NTB In the wake of the incident, the party has made headlines, debates and been the subject of a number of high-profile programs around the world. This has meant that the interest has been enormous before the return meeting between the two on Monday, Bae believes. – This is a very rare event. It is a bit of a coincidence, of course, that they should meet again so soon after with such a backdrop. The situation is still completely unclear, whether there is any cheating here or not. We haven’t made any further progress in that case, actually. – Expect Magnus to make mincemeat of him Carlsen has not commented on the speculation or elaborated on the Twitter message after he withdrew from the tournament. – Do you think they will come to talk about the incident after the match? – No, I don’t really think so. Now Magnus has managed to be as dumb as an oyster after what happened. Everything suggests that he cannot say much more without getting into a bit of trouble, as he expressed. Because he will then make a rather serious claim that is not documented, even though he may be sure of it. FAVORITE: Bae thinks Carlsen is the big favorite before the game against Niemann. Photo: ARUN SANKAR / AFP The head referee in the Sinquefield tournament has stated that they have found no signs of the use of illegal means on Niemann’s part – which has itself dealt a blow to the rumour. Now the 19-year-old gets another chance against the world champion. Bae thinks the task will be too tough, who thinks Niemann is under enormous pressure. – I find it difficult to believe that Niemann will be able to perform under the enormous pressure he is under. Despite everything, he is 19 years old and inexperienced, and now has to show the world that he can do something when everyone is looking at him. Actually, I expect Magnus to make mincemeat of him, concludes the chess expert.
