Expect increased demand in Sweden after increased prices for groceries in Norway – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– We are considering moving to Sweden. It’s a bit scary for us young people that things have become so expensive, says Anna Møklegård. She and her twin sister Trine live in Fredrikstad. They have grown tired of high food prices in Norway. On Wednesday, several stores once again increased their prices. A survey carried out by news shows that Coop Extra has on average put up the goods by 10 per cent, while Rema 100 has on average increased the prices by 8 per cent. The 23-year-olds were aware of the announced price increase and therefore chose to take the trip across the Swedish border to do the bulk shopping on Wednesday. – There is a much better selection in Sweden. If we buy a dinner in Norway, the price tag can quickly end up at NOK 400-500, says Trine. – We came up with the idea of ​​moving to Sweden because our brother did, both because of better mortgages and prices in general. Everything is more favorable in Sweden. It is really something we are considering now, adds Anna. Price difference in Sweden and Norway news has compared the prices of a selection of groceries in Norway and Sweden. You save a lot on certain items by buying them on the Swedish side of the border. The cheapest price per kilo news has found at the big chains for patty dough in Norway is NOK 175 at Kiwi. At Maximat in Svinesund, the price is NOK 115. You save a hundred Swedish kroner on your shopping trip to Sweden, if you buy one of each of the items in the table below. This costs a shopping basket with the following items: NOK 967 – Coop Extra NOK 956 – Rema 1000 NOK 839 – Kiwi NOK 736 – Maximat (Sweden) This is how we have compared the prices In the table, news has compared the prices of a selection of goods in Norway and Sweden. If the same item is not found in Sweden as in Norway, the price is checked for a similar item. The price surveys were carried out on 1 February. In Sweden, the prices were checked at MaxiMat Nordby. In Norway, we checked the prices of three stores in the center of Oslo: Coop Extra, Kiwi and Rema 1000. The prices are given in Norwegian kroner. The price of the goods examined in Sweden has been converted to Norwegian kroner at the current exchange rate. 100 Norwegian kroner corresponds to 105.42 Swedish kroner at today’s exchange rate. Expecting increased traffic As a result of the price increase in Norway, the Swedish merchants expect an increased traffic of Norwegian customers in the future. – Already last week we noticed that we had a good end to the week. Customers talk a lot about the big price difference, and it will get bigger, says operations manager at Nordby Supermarket Göran Lundgren. Operations manager at Grensemat AB Göran Lundgren is jubilant about increased Norwegian prices. Photo: Stein Ove Korneliussen / news Last year, the store in Svinesund had a turnover of over one billion Swedish kroner. Despite the price increase, customers also come on the other side of the border. In Sweden, the price increase was 19 per cent in 2022, compared to 11.5 per cent in Norway. – We have had price increases like in all other countries. It is the price difference that is the most important thing, considering that we have carried out many price increases here, and in Norway there is a big one coming today, which we have been following online already. So we see a 10-12 per cent increase, and the price gap will be very large, says Lundgren. At Svinesund, the Norwegian price increase is monitored minute by minute. Merchant Göran Lundgren rejoices. Video: Photo: Tomas Berger
