Expect an unusual amount of damage to vegans after the cold winter – news Vestland

Norway’s second worst road is about to get even worse. Because after a long and cold winter, it is now plus degrees in Hyen in Gloppen municipality, about halfway between Førde and Nordfjord as the crow flies. But under the bare asphalt on the narrow road, the water has frozen and expanded. The phenomenon is called telehive, and causes large parts of the road to become uneven, and in some places the asphalt cracks up and creates even more problems for the drivers. Home care nurses Anne-Lise Solheim and Solgunn Eimhjellen notice this well: – This year it is very bad. Telehiv happens every year, but not as extreme as it has been this year. Anne-Lise Solheim and Solgunn Eimhjellen drive the road both to, from and to work. Photo: Tora Carlsen Haaland / news It will get worse before it gets better In a late winter and early spring with an unusual amount of traffic jams, people can expect several places in the country, says Kjell Arne Skoglund, head of section for road technology in the Norwegian Public Roads Administration. – Just this winter it was probably cold in many places, and then all experience shows that we get more telehiv, he says. What lies beneath the asphalt has a lot to say about how well the road tolerates frost. Therefore, it is especially older county roads that are exposed to telehiv. Photo: Preben Nedreberg Holmøy / news And it has been a winter for the history books: You have to go back 20 years to find an equally long and cold period. And the season has only just begun: the worst is right before the heat arrives. Even if telehiv is supposed to freeze water, you often don’t notice it on the road until March. That’s because frozen water collects under the road as long as it’s long. So it’s at its worst just before the heat comes, around April, says Skoglund. And older county roads in particular are designated. In 2018 it became official. Flora mayor Ola Teigen (Ap) Olav Klungre and Gloppen mayor Leidulf Gloppestad unveiled the new sign. Photo: Silje Guddal / news – The entire stretch should be signposted news has a number of counties about the telehiv problem and has received responses from Nordland, Møre og Romsdal, Innlandet, Telemark, Akershus, Innlandet and Østfold. While several express that they are only at the beginning of the telehiv season, Torgeir Bye in Møre og Romsdal County Municipality says that there has already been a lot of telehiv on their vegans this winter. Similar signs can appear in several places after a cold winter. Photo: Tora Carlsen Haaland / news – On some low-traffic roads, it is demanding to place danger signs in all places where there is a need. Often the entire stretch of road should be signposted, writes Bye in an e-mail to news. – If I sign too much, I create expectations among motorists that everything is fine where there are no signs. And it isn’t. He urges motorists to adapt their speed to the conditions. – Have to drive much later On county road 615, telehiva already appeared in December, Eimhjellen and Solheim say. Like most home care nurses, they spend a lot of time on the road, and the two nurses have long driving times on what was previously voted Norway’s second worst road, behind the highly accident-prone and landslide-prone E16 Bergen – Voss. Still, they think it’s extra crazy now. – We drive much later, and have to calculate much more time, says Eimhjellen. Some carers have to skip lunch or eat behind the wheel to make up for lost time – We have to spend the time we have with the users, even if we have challenges driving, says Solheim, with his eyes fixed on the bumpy road. Passing After winter comes spring, and after telehive comes telelöyse. Then thaws under vegan, and the increases in vegan settle down again. But it will be a while before the carers in Hyen stop thinking about telehiva, Skoglund believes. – It will pass in the end, that’s the comfort. But it will probably take a few weeks to come until I get some warmth. But the remote license presents its own challenges for road users. – Then the road is very damp and very weak, so you can get a lot of consequential damage. But when it starts to dry up in April – May, it will be significantly better again.
