Excuse me, but I have to have the money in the till – news Nordland

The case summarized: A person threatened an employee at the hospital kiosk in Mosjøen with a knife on Monday evening. The perpetrator is said to have taken around NOK 10,000 from the kiosk. Hege Therese Fjellstad was at work when the robbery happened and describes the incident as very unpleasant. Kiosk owner Pål-Magnus Aanes says that such robberies rarely happen in Helgeland and that the most important thing is that Fjellstad escaped unscathed. The kiosk does not have camera surveillance, but that will soon change. The police have started an investigation, but have so far not found the perpetrator. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. The police have started an investigation after a person threatened an employee at the hospital kiosk in Mosjøen with a knife. According to the kiosk owner, the perpetrator must have taken around NOK 10,000 from the kiosk, and must have then left on a bicycle. It was Hege Therese Fjellstad who was at work when the perpetrator came in on Monday evening. She says it is the worst thing one can imagine experiencing as an addict. – It is not something I have experienced so many times before. Not something I want to experience either. It was very uncomfortable, she says. Fjellstad was alone inside the kiosk doing laundry when she heard someone come in. – Then a man came in the door of the betting room and looked around a bit. And then he said he was looking for a friend to meet here. The hospital kiosk is located approximately 50 meters from Helgeland’s hospital, and is run by outsiders. Photo: Ole-Christian Olsen / news She replied that there was no one there. And then he said he was going to buy smokes, so she went over to the smoking cabinet. And then he suddenly says “excuse me, but I have to keep the money in the till”. – He actually apologized? – Yes, he said sorry first. And then he pulled out a knife, which he used when he led me to the till. – Not particularly forewarned It’s rare that such robberies happen in Helgeland, says kiosk owner Pål-Magnus Aanes. – You can’t be particularly prepared, because you don’t expect it in a small place. We have a number of facilities that make you feel safe at work. But unfortunately it happens, says Aanes. Pål-Magnus Aanes owns the kiosk which is located near the hospital in Mosjøen. Photo: Ole-Christian Olsen / news The owner says the most important thing is that Fjellstad came out unscathed. – She has coped very well and kept her cool. She thought about preventing and opening the till, but the money is not worth it. Then it is better to just give them away, get the situation resolved and call the police, says Aansen. But such an incident took a toll on one’s psyche. – So one must have good follow-up of the employees. You have to follow along and end routines on how you do things going forward. Kiosk owner Pål-Magnus Aanes is happy that Hege Therese Fjellstad came out unscathed. Photo: Ole-Christian Olsen / news The kiosk by the hospital in Mosjøen does not have camera surveillance, but that will soon change. – But we started a better security system inside and out. We are lucky, because there are some premises that have surveillance cameras, from which film has been taken. And that is very good for us, says Aanes. Still searching. The police were on the scene shortly after they received the report. The perpetrator had then left the town and the search has so far yielded no results, said police prosecutor in the Nordland police district Eirik Blomli to news on Tuesday. – Why didn’t the police catch the perpetrator even though they were quick on the scene? – We got out as soon as we could, but there is quite a way to and from the kiosk. So what path the perpetrator has taken, we do not know as of now, says the police attorney and adds: – It is difficult to say anything about why the police have not met the perpetrator on the way to the city. The police have opened a case and have taken a number of investigative steps throughout the night and will continue in the future. Published 24.09.2024, at 20.55 Updated 24.09.2024, at 21.50
