Excelark gets the blame after politicians in Molde shut down a nursing home – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

It started as a classic matter in the municipal council. Molde municipality must save money. One proposal that was adopted was to close down the nursing home at Skåla. As a result, 17 residents had to find a new home, in the neighboring village of Nesset, which is half an hour away by car. The move has caused strong reactions – and afterwards several politicians now claim that they were not aware of what they voted for. – When it has such major consequences, it should be crystal clear what we decided. And when it is not, then there is a basis for criticism, says Edvard Breivik (R), who sits on the municipal council. In the past there has also been unrest around the nursing home at Skåla, with torchlight processions and signature drives. All the politicians in Molde were gathered when they had to go through a list of proposals for cuts, to save money. Photo: Mari Aandahl Kippernes / news They claim the decision is illegal Several of the politicians claim the information was so unclear that the decision is illegal, and have complained to the municipality. In Romsdals Budstikke, the local newspaper in Molde, the debate about the closed nursing home places has received a lot of attention in the last two weeks. There, several politicians have come out and agreed with Edvard Breivik: they did not know what they were voting for. It is an excel sheet with 67 points that gets the main debt. It is this document that causes controversy. Photo: screenshot Ahead of the meeting, the sheet was sent to the politicians – but due to an oversight, the information about the Skåla care center had disappeared. Mayor of Molde, Trygve Grydeland (H), says that they tried as best they could to make up for this – by reporting the matter to the municipal council. Mayor of Molde, Trygve Grydeland, says they will learn from this incident. Photo: Tore Ellingseter / news – Then we see that in retrospect some have experienced that they did not fully understand what was put to the vote. Then they have delivered a legality check, and then we just have to handle it in an orderly way, says the mayor of Molde. In the so-called case report the politicians had been sent, there was information about Skåla care centre. But in the excel sheet that they were also sent, this information was not included. Here the mayor sits together with a few others during the municipal council meeting on 20 June. Photo: Roar Jonny Strøm / news Want a new vote So there were many who voted yes, who now want a rematch. A total of 21 politicians have appealed the decision to the municipality, writes Romsdal’s Budstikke. All of these are members of the party that is in opposition. – It is clear here that there were many who did not understand that this meant closing Skåla, says David Heggem (Frp), who took the initiative to complain to the municipality. FRP was the only party that voted against. Nevertheless, he believes that the decision should be taken up again, so that it can be done properly. The mayor says they will take this as a learning point, but will not say what the outcome of the complaint might be. – Then we just have to handle it in an orderly way, says the mayor. New municipal council meeting in Molde is in September. Published 08.07.2024, at 12.58
