– Everything has its time – news Culture and entertainment

– I have had enormous pleasure in creating a national campfire gathering on Friday evenings, but everything has its time, says Anne Lindmo. Since 2012, Lindmo has been a symbol of weekend TV. Guests, funny moments, fascinating stories and music have gathered the people in front of the TV screen on Friday evenings. – How does it feel to pass yourself off as Norway’s talk show queen? – Haha, I guess I’ve never felt so comfortable with that title, but it was of course a big decision when I decided to complete this adventure that I’ve been lucky enough to be part of, says Lindmo before to: – It feels right. I’ve known all along that I should give up while the game is fun and good, and it is now. In addition, there are some new projects on the horizon that I am extremely excited to get started on. Anne Lindmo has had many visitors. Including Therese Johaug in the spring of 2022. The world-renowned shoemaker and artist Little Steven visiting Lindmo in 2014. Former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland in a good mood at Lindmo in the spring of 2019. Memorable moments Although the 53-year-old is ready for new adventures, there are still many things she will miss with having her own talk show on Friday evenings. – I will miss the nice, excited holiday feeling we have when the studio is set up, the audience has arrived, the guests are ready and the vignette is running, explains Lindmo. – And not least working with my team, the intense days at the desk where we arrange guests, do research and write scripts, in an atmosphere characterized by high ambitions and low shoulders, and stingy and fierce humour, she further states with a big smile on your face. With 12 years as a talk show host, there are many memories to reminisce about. Lindmo emphasizes that more than a single memory, it is incredibly valuable to have the long timeline to look back on. Anne Lindmo behind the scenes. Photo: Julia Marie Naglestad Many visiting stars – We have launched Aurora as a trembling pop debutant – now she is a world star. We thanked Marit Bjørgen when she retired, and introduced the Ingebrigtsen brothers when they were still in the starting pit. – Lillebjørn Nilsen, Per Fugelli have been with us. And Shabana Rehman said goodbye in many ways here. Lindmo goes on to point out that some of the best interviews she has done are with those who stand on the front line and fight against everything that threatens our safety and community – people who fight against racism, abuse, who volunteer and care for the weakest in the society. – It is perhaps what I am most proud of, that we have been able to highlight such fine everyday people as heroes, emphasizes Lindmo. Anne Lindmo together with the then 19-year-old Aurora. Liv Grete Skjelbreid and Jon Herwig Carlsen were guests in the very first program in 2012. Carp visiting in the winter of 2022. Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has made the trip several times. Shabana Rehman did her last interview with Lindmo in October 2022. Program manager Else Kåss Furuseth together with author Karl Ove Knausgård. Artists Ole Paus and Jonas Fjeld on tour to play music at Lindmo in 2016. Adventures in Norwegian nature Lindmo may be finished, but Anne Lindmo is not. The popular humor podcast “Lindmo and co.” shall continue as before. In addition, she will still be seen on TV, but in her new programme. – I have had a long-term plan and have been working on my next TV project for quite some time already. Now I replace my pumps with hiking boots and take the conversation partners with me to the forest, she says. As many may have already noticed, in recent years Anne Lindmo has cultivated her interest in the outdoors only more and more. Through social media, she has shared spectacular skating trips, cozy DNT cabins and striking mountain tours with her followers. In the autumn, she also published the book “Min tur”, which is about her newfound interest in the outdoors. – I am extremely happy to take the TV viewers on an adventure in Norwegian nature, underlines Lindmo. Anne Lindmo on a walk with her dog Bamse. Anne in free dressage Charlo Halvorsen, editor of news Entertainment, points out that both news and the viewers of news could openly enjoy Anne Lindmo as talk show host on Friday evenings for a long time to come. – But we now see that we will have even greater pleasure and benefit from a profile like her by lifting her into new ventures, says Halvorsen. In addition, the seafarers can now look forward to meeting Anne in free dressage on tour: – In her new program it is precisely Anne who is outdoorsy and the tour enthusiast that we will get to know, he adds. According to Halvorsen, it is not yet clear who will replace Lindmo on Friday evening.
