“Everyone” loves the videos Ida Iren Vike posts of dad Terje on TikTok – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

– The tired man with that body, you know… it has been through its lot. Suddenly he can decide to go down the stairs, then he lies in pain for a week afterwards. He swears and “stand ten”. That’s what Ida Iren Vike says about her father Terje Vike, of whom she regularly posts videos on the application TikTok. – I have never taken myself seriously. I love to show. You never get too old for that, says Terje and laughs. Ida Iren Vike says that there are so many people who do not understand what her father Terje says, and that she therefore has to subtitle the videos. – Tullball The family lives in the small village of Vikebukt in Vestnes. Several of the videos are taken at their home, but it is usually completely random when it happens. – We never plan a TikTok video. I have to be quick with the camera all the time, because suddenly he comes up with something. He’s like a kid who eats sweets, says Ida and smiles at her father. But the reason why they have gone viral, they are not sure. – People like a bit of nonsense, says Terje. – Yes, and I think many people have the view that parents are “proper”. It is also repeated in the comments section that they wish their parents were like that, says Ida. Ida and Terje Vike say that they have always had a good relationship. – I have always been very much a daddy’s girl, says Ida. Photo: Annabelle Kårvåg Sørensen / news “Bygdeoriginalen” There are thousands of people who watch every video posted on their channel. This means that dad Terje is recognized both in the shop and on the ferry, but can also get an unexpected visit. – Suddenly there was a strange man in the yard here, he says, laughing. He explains that there was a man from Hamar who was visiting the village and wanted to greet the “TikTok star” from Vikebukt. – And when I took the ferry to Molde one day, some young people came over and asked if I was going out to travel. And I just “Yes, you too?”, I had no idea who it was, says Terje and adds that it’s just fun. One of the challenges that are popular to perform on TikTok also had to be tested by Terje and Ida. – A relationship builder Researcher on social media at UiO, Taina Bucher, says that it is not a particular thing that strikes a chord with TikTok, but that humor and niche, something that people remember, tend to do well on the application. – Most often, those with many followers have a clear profile, which is recognizable to them in particular. Generally speaking, humor often strikes a chord, something strange or something that catches people’s attention. But Bucher also says that this is a way of creating a good family relationship, by the parents taking part in one of the children’s interests. – It is a relationship builder, a way of being together. And it is far from all parents who are interested in TikTok, for example. Terje says that he is never involved in deciding anything about the TikTok user. He is just the “showman”, while Ida manages the rest. Photo: Annabelle Kårvåg Sørensen / news Appreciate the feedback There is one reason in particular that makes them want to continue posting videos. – There are a number of comments, including from young people who may be struggling with one or the other, who say that it is the highlight of the day to see our madness, and it is very nice, says Terje. – Yes, there are many who comment that if they have a bad day, they watch our videos and that it gets a little better. We feel we are actually doing something useful then, that it is not just nonsense and that it actually means something to someone, says Ida.
