Every day six Norwegians get skin cancer – at Easter we are particularly exposed to UV radiation – news Nordland

The meteorologists have promised Easter sunshine for large parts of the country. If you are one of those who then gravitate towards the solar wall, you should keep a few things in mind. Senior researcher at the Cancer Registry, Trude Eid Robsahm, thinks so. At Easter, we are especially exposed to UV radiation. Robsahm believes that people will be desperate for sun when it finally returns after a long and dark winter: – We are very happy to be in the sun and it is perhaps because we have a very long winter where we hardly have any sunshine. In Norway, we are actually so happy in the sun that we are at the top of the skin cancer statistics – both in terms of incidence and mortality. Norway is number three in the world in the incidence of skin cancer – after Denmark and Australia. When it comes to mortality, Norway is number two – after Australia. Dermatologist at Nordlandssykehuset, Tzellos Thrasyvoulos, says we can prevent cancer by using sunscreen, headgear and sunglasses in the Easter sun. Photo: Gorm Kallestad / NTB In 2022, 3,097 people were diagnosed with skin cancer in Norway, figures from the cancer register show. See tips on how to avoid getting sunburned further down in the article. Had to sew that eye Hege Schultz Eilertsen from Kabelvåg in Lofoten is someone who likes the sun and heat. But her relationship with the sun’s rays changed after 2017. Then she discovered a lump under her eye. It started to itch and gradually grew bigger, she says. After a few rounds at the GP, she was sent to a dermatologist in Bodø. A biopsy was done there and the result was clear: She had melanoma cancer, also called mole cancer. What is melanoma? Melanoma, often called mole cancer, is the most serious type of skin cancer. It can occur in both new and old moles anywhere on the body. Cancer occurs when the genetic material (DNA) receives damage that changes the cells. The color we get when the skin gets sunburned is the skin’s way of defending itself against more sun. Too much UV radiation can eventually lead to DNA changes in the pigment cells. – Most of these injuries are repaired by the body itself, but in certain cases the cells can begin to divide uncontrollably, and a tumor can develop, says Ingrid Stenstadvold Ross, secretary general of the Cancer Association. If the melanoma is detected early, the prognosis for recovery is good. Source: Kreftforeningen After that, the process went relatively quickly, he says. She had to remove the lower left eyelid and received a graft from the upper eyelid. This is what Hege Eilertsen looked like after the operation. Photo: Private – I had my eye stitched back for a little over a month. It is difficult to say anything concrete about what caused the cancer, but Eilertsen believes the sun has been an important factor: – Most likely, and in the vast majority of cases, it is too much sun and too poor protection that is the cause. Forgets to take a break from the sun Now she is healthy again, but is extra careful. – I still like the sun and heat, but I take care to be in the shade a lot in the middle of the day, use sun protection factor 50 and a cap. Eilertsen has now become deputy leader of the Melanoma association and wants to inform others about the dangers of not protecting themselves from the sun. Now Hege Eilertsen is healthy again, and makes sure to spend a lot of time in the shade in the middle of the day. Photo: Private – I think a lot of people think that nothing will happen to them. Therefore, people are not good enough to protect themselves, she says and adds: – Many may use sunscreen but forget to take breaks from the sun and sit in the shade. Do you think about the risk when you are out in the sun? Yes No Occasionally Show result – Sit too long in strong sun – Norway has a skin cancer problem, says dermatologist at Nordlandssykehuset, Tzellos Thrasyvoulos. Every day, more than six people are diagnosed with melanoma cancer. Mole cancer is the most serious form of skin cancer and one of the most serious for cancer in general, according to the dermatologist. The cause of melanoma is mainly exposure to UV radiation from the sun and solarium, according to the Cancer Society. It is important to go to the GP if: a mole changes shape and colour, by becoming larger than before, in thickness or width changes shape and has uneven edges changes colour, often with brown-black areas a mole itches, bleeds or forms a wounds that will not heal. Source: Cancer association Thrasyvoulos believes that many Norwegians are not sufficiently informed. – For example, many people think that if they sit under the sun for many hours they will produce more vitamin D, but that is not true. We will not produce vitamin D for many years to come. The effect only lasts one day. Clothing is good protection against the sun on Easter Mountain. Photo: Tore Meek / NTB Like cancer researcher Robsahm, he believes that the problem lies in the sun culture in Norway. Norwegians sit in the sun for far too long, he believes. – Our skin is unaccustomed to the sun for 5 months because of the dark hours and too much sun exposure at once is the worst. He and cancer researcher Robsahm have several pieces of advice for you who are going out in the Easter sun: Use sunscreen with at least factor 50 During Easter, we are particularly vulnerable, says senior researcher at the Norwegian Cancer Registry, Trude Eigd Robsahm. – Remember that the sun can be strong even if it is early in the spring. Especially when we are skiing, the snow reflects the sun so that it becomes even stronger, says Robsahm and adds: – Then it is important to apply a good layer of sunscreen on the face and body. At Easter, we are particularly exposed to the sun. – Use sunscreen with at least factor 50, is the advice from the experts. Photo: Unknown! / Scanpix Use headgear Dermatologist Thrasyvoulos says that one should avoid the strongest sun in the middle of the day, wear sunglasses and headgear such as a hat or cap. The Norwegian Cancer Society writes that a hat with a brim provides better shade than a cap, which does not protect the neck and ears. – Cancer is dangerous, but it can be prevented, he says. Princess Ingrid Alexandra, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit all wore sunglasses during the Raw Air World Cup in jumping for women in Holmenkollen in Oslo. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Clothing is the best protection – Clothing is the best protection, says researcher Robsahm. The Norwegian Cancer Society writes that light colors let more rays through than dark colors, so the more colorful and tightly woven clothing, the better protection it provides. Cloth can provide poorer protection if the cloth is wet. – The UV warning says something about the strength of the sun, explains Robsahm. This is the UV index from the Directorate for Community Safety and Emergency Preparedness. Graphics: Andreas Nilsen Trygstad / news Here she also says that you have to be careful that the sun is even stronger if you are on snow. – The goal is to go through Easter without getting sunburned, she concludes.
