Evan (19) has ME and dropped out of school. Then he got help from UngInvest. – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– I would not have been in a particularly good place today if I had not received help. 19-year-old Evan Frazier recently started an apprenticeship with the transport network Nor-log in Aksdal. Driving a truck is what he likes most. But that dream only seemed more and more distant. Evan thought he had to look far for his dream job. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news A difficult period Evan has had ME for over ten years. In addition, he has ADHD. – When there is a lot of stress, it can really wear me out. Classrooms have never worked for me, he says. He decided to drop out of secondary school after two years. Life was hectic, and he didn’t know how he was going to achieve his truck dream. New chance Then he came into contact with UngInvest through the Follow-up Service. – I wouldn’t be here today if it hadn’t been for them, he says. UngInvest is a county council training offer for young people aged 16–24. The goal is to get people like Evan back at school or in the workforce. – We want to create mastery experiences so that the young people are able to get back on their feet and get a good offer, says the principal at UngInvest Haugesund, Einar Hansen. Rector of UngInvest Haugesund, Einar Hansen. He says they have found the recipe for getting young people back to school or working life. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news Evan went here for over a year. There is room for 20 young people at UngInvest in Haugesund. There they get motivation to perform, deliver and meet others. Through conversations with a focus on strengths, the young people can build trusting relationships where each individual can make use of their unique potential. – We give them a good basis for returning to school or the workplace, says principal Hansen. Motivating and edifying pictures and posters such as this have been hung up in several places in UngInvest’s premises in Haugesund. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen – Means a lot When news meets Evan, he has his first proper working day at the transport company. He is an apprentice and will work there for at least three years. – It means a lot to me that I am allowed to drive myself. It shows that I can make it happen as long as I just keep driving, he says. Evan seems happy. Without help, it is not certain that this would have been the case. – I don’t think my health would have been as good as it is now. Getting a routine in the days has helped me both physically and mentally. Evan says he has played thousands of hours in the game “Euro Truck Simulator” – which is, quite frankly, a truck game. Now he lets go of sitting behind a screen to drive. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news Help and facilitation Even though he has ME, he notices that his time at UngInvest has helped him to gain better control over his health. – I have been given free access to a fitness center and help to assess how much energy I use and how much capacity I have. He says that when he first goes on a rampage, the exhaustion can last for several weeks. He experienced that much more frequently when he went to school. – I have enjoyed myself enormously, and I think many people have received good help, he says. – This seems Åse Bratthammer can confirm that many people have received good help. She is a senior adviser in Rogaland County Municipality. – We have documented that this works. This is the way to solve it for some young people, says Bratthammer. Åse Bratthammer is a senior adviser in Rogaland County Municipality. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news She was, among other things, behind getting UngInvest to Rogaland. – The most important societal mission we have is to reach young people. They are so precious. We need workers and we need their hands and heads, she says. Half in work or school In 2021/2022 there were 20 young people at UngInvest in Haugesund. 13 have applied to secondary school. Seven are in work or work experience. Sewing machines, a workshop and a gaming room are among the activities the young people at UngInvest Haugesund can do. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news Some of the 20 are in both categories. – Half of the young people we have followed here in Haugesund are involved in a positive activity afterwards, says principal Hansen. A positive activity means that the young people have either returned to school or entered working life. Viken has run UngInvest for over 40 years. Rogaland established its first UngInvest branch in Stavanger in 2019. Now both Agder and Trøndelag are looking at the possibilities of creating similar offers. Hi, you! Thanks for reading all the way down here! Do you have any thoughts that you are stuck with after reading this case? Or maybe you have tips for something else I can write about? Please contact! 👇
