Evacuation of al-Quds hospital has started – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– These 300 people are sick, injured, health personnel and the families of all of them, says spokesperson Nebal Farsakh in Raude Halvmåne to news. The situation in al-Quds is “catastrophic”, she continues, and adds that the organization is still waiting for answers about how things are going with those who have managed to evacuate. She told al-Jazeera newspaper earlier on Tuesday evening that the hospital had been “surrounded, without people having the opportunity to go out and no one could even get in”. Satellite image from Maxar Technologies shows al-Quds hospital on 7 November. Photo: MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES / Reuters The situation at one of Gaza’s largest and most important hospitals has escalated in recent days. The aid organization reported on Monday that they had tried to send a convoy of vehicles to the hospital to evacuate those trapped inside, but had been forced to turn back. This was due to heavy fighting in the part of Gaza City where the hospital is, they wrote at the time. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said on Monday that they had fired at the entrance to the hospital because Hamas soldiers were there. Hamas has not responded to this claim, but the Red Crescent said on Monday that Israeli snipers had opened fire on the hospital. According to them, one person was killed and 19 injured in the attack. – A huge challenge Al-Quds shut down all operations on Sunday due to a lack of fuel. The Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza says there are no more functioning hospitals in the north. As a result, all patients must be transported south for treatment, where hospitals are already under severe pressure. – You can imagine, even in Norway it is difficult to transport sick or injured patients. Doing that in an active war zone is a huge challenge, says Norwegian Red Cross foreign affairs manager Jørgen Haldorsen. Jørgen Haldorsen is head of international affairs at the Norwegian Red Cross. Here he is traveling in Syria at the start of 2023. Photo: NTB – According to them, they had 400-500 patients before the weekend, in addition to those who worked there, i.e. the health workers. So this was already a very difficult and despairing situation. The hospital has been without electricity and struggling with a lack of fuel and medical equipment for a long period, says Haldorsen. – Those who work in the Palestinian Red Crescent and the civilians have been on the front line since 7 October. What you have to remember here is that these are people with families. – For many, the family has moved south, and many have lost family members, but they made the difficult choice to stay behind. It is an impossible situation to choose between their own safety and the patients, and then they chose the latter.
