Evacuate primary school in Sandnessjøen – fear of damage after earthquake – news Nordland

9 November 2023 at 10:53 Evacuate primary school in Sandnessjøen – fear of damage after earthquake Bjarnetjønna school in Sandnessjøen evacuated for students on Thursday morning. The school has around 200 pupils from years 5-7. class. Helgelands Blad wrote about the evacuation first. Settlement damage has been discovered in several places in buildings, municipal director Connie Pettersen tells news. – V has organized the students so that you have free access to the building. There is structural damage that has been seen in several places in the building, and it is taken very seriously. We don’t know the extent of the damage yet, and that is what we are now working to get an overview of, she says. In front of the local newspaper, she says that it is not known whether the damage is due to the earthquake on the night of Wednesday, but that it cannot be ruled out. The pupils have until now had outside school, but will be sent home earlier than normal.
