Eva Kristin Hansen reacts to the fact that the Labor Party will change its statutes – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The central board of Ap has proposed to change the statutes of the party, so that the representation at the national meeting is decided based on where the members are registered, and not where they are members. An important reason why this proposal is coming up now is that the local group Nidaro’s Social Democratic Forum, led by Trond Giske, has in a short time become one of the largest local groups in the Labor Party. But only around half of the nearly 3,000 members live in Trøndelag. With today’s statutes, it strengthens the Trønderbench at the national meeting of Labor. But with the new proposal, the members who do not live in Trøndelag will be distributed among the municipalities where they are registered. The proposal will probably be adopted at the national meeting in May. Feeling degraded One of those who will be affected by the change is parliamentary representative Eva Kristin Hansen. She has been a member of the Trøndelag Labor Party since 1989, and has represented Trøndelag in Parliament since 2005. – It is Trøndelag that I have worked for and with, and for which I am elected. Hansen has represented Trøndelag in the Storting for almost 20 years. Photo: Cornelius Poppe / NTB But the former Storting president has found Akershus his favorite, and lives there. Therefore, with the new proposal, she will be counted as part of Akershus when the delegates are distributed to the national meeting in two years’ time. – I know someone demoted to a B member of the Labor Party. It hurts me that I will be part of the delegation to Akershus Ap when we come to the next national meeting, she says to news. She has also reported the problem via her county party in Trøndelag. Defends the proposal But the Labor Party’s party secretary Kjersti Stenseng believes that Hansen can still get involved and represent Trøndelag, even though she lives in Austlandet. – Eva Kristin Hansen can be active in Trøndelag Arbeidarparti, she can sit on the board of Trøndelag Ap, attend meetings and have the right to vote. She can also be a delegate from Trøndelag. But she lives and has an address in Ski, Nordre Follo, and then her representation counts where she lives. Party secretary in the Labor Party, Kjersti Stenseng, defends the proposal to change the statutes. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news On Thursday evening, Stenseng, among others, met Trond Giske for a debate on news. There he defended the proposal. – By joining a political party, you get some rights and some duties. And the fact that your representation counts in the municipality where you are registered, you can, for example, only apply to the list where you are registered, so it is not a random model. Fears of members disappearing In the debate, Giske pointed out that the proposal had been raised at the national meeting in the past, but then it was rejected because it was not intended to stifle commitment. – Back then it was Oslo that had many members from other parts of the country. But now it is suddenly Trondheim and Nidaros, and then it will be important to get something done about it. Trond Giske currently leads one of the largest local associations in the Labor Party. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news He points out that his local team has managed to create commitment and interest in politics. Many of the new members have never been politically active or members of a political party before. Giske fears that the proposal will cause many to lose their spark. – I am afraid that you will lose members, Kjersti, and the Labor Party will lose because of that, he says.
