European airports cancel flights to tackle summer chaos – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Luggage and long queues have led to delays at what is often called Europe’s busiest airport. To avoid the accumulation of suitcases, the airport Schiphol in Amsterdam has asked passengers to preferably travel with only hand luggage. American Bahena, who has traveled all the way from California to go to a festival in Amsterdam, did not. – I can not find my suitcase, so it is not good, says Angela Bahena to news. Natallia Gonzales was to stopover in Schiphol and fly home to Spain yesterday. Shallow delays lose ho flyet. – I was so frustrated. I found no one to talk to and it was just a big mess. Now I just want to go home, says Gonzales. Due to delays and long queues, Natallia Gonzales had to spend the night in Amsterdam. Photo: Ismail Burak Akkan / news Are not enough people Among those who handle luggage at Schiphol, it is not nice to work at the moment. – We do not have enough people for the job, so we know that we will not be finished. The whole day is a disappointment, says shift leader for the students, Gerben de Jong to news. De Jong said that they had warned their bosses for a long time that this would happen. Now the airport will employ more people, but due to security clearance they will not come to work until after the summer. – It is incredibly frustrating, he says. If that was not enough, the reindeer herders at the airport have also gone on strike. Shift leader among the students, Gerben de Jong, tells that they can not do away with everything they should. Photo: Ismail Burak Akkan Airports cancel In Norway, aircraft technicians are on strike, something that has led to more cancellations. In Europe, airports need to take action to curb passenger traffic. At Schiphol, the airport has forced airlines to reduce the number of passengers by about 16 percent compared to the number that is normal during the summer months. At Heathrow Airport in London, they have reduced the number of flights this summer by 10 percent. The cut here will affect 5,000 passengers. – If there is enough chaos, then there is only one thing they can do and that is to reduce traffic in and out of the airports, says professor of economics at the Norwegian School of Economics, Frode Steen. He thinks it can also happen at other major airports. – Travelers must be prepared for the fact that this summer they may soon be a day late, he says. Suitcases lay strewn on the floor at Schiphol Airport last night. Photo: Ismail Burak Akkan / news Lack of employees As the pandemic led to a halt in flights, many employees at airports have lost their jobs. The large increase in air travel during the summer season seems to have come abruptly at the major airports, Steen says. – If there is a delay in one joint, the other happens. It will be a chain reaction, says Steen. In the short term, it is difficult to solve the shortage of staff. – Now there is a lot of competition for this type of workforce, at the same time as it takes a long time to get them cleared for safety, he says. At Heathrow in London, there is still no order over the huge amounts of luggage that flew over the airport this week. Photo: HENRY NICHOLLS / Reuters Announcing strike Among employees in the aviation industry, major strikes have also been announced this summer. After job and wage cuts during the pandemic, employees demand better pay and working conditions. At the airport in Brussels, all flights were canceled on Monday, after a national strike. Also at Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris, there are our ongoing strikes and major rounds of cancellations. At Heathrow, a possible strike has been announced from next month. In addition, unions in the airlines Ryanair and Easyjet have announced a strike, reports Reuters. – Airports and airlines across Europe have major challenges this summer. The combination of strike and lack of staffing can be more intriguing than we want, says Steen.
