– Europe depends on Norwegian energy – news Troms and Finnmark

31 January 2024 at 12:11 Want Norwegian gas production closer to Russian sea areas: – Europe is dependent on Norwegian energy The government proposes to open 34 new exploration blocks in the east of the Barents Sea, towards the maritime border with Russian sea areas. Despite national commitments to cut emissions, Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) defends the large expansion in the Barents Sea. – Norway is now the largest supplier of energy to Europe. Without LNG gas from Melkøya, Europe would have a huge gas crisis, says Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) to news. He therefore believes that Europe needs assistance with Norwegian gas and oil in a transition phase until energy production in Europe becomes more climate neutral. – At the same time, we must adopt new technology such as carbon storage and the development of hydrogen. This should be gas production that is environmentally friendly, says Støre. The red fields in the map are proposals for new exploration blocks in the Barents Sea.
