EU politician was a Russian agent – news Urix – Foreign affairs news and documentaries

That’s what the Swedish newspaper Expressen wrote. In collaboration with the Russian newspaper The Insider, Latvian Re: Baltica and Delfi in Estonia, they have revealed that she has been an agent for the Russian FSB security service for 20 years. Tatjana Ždanoka claims she did not know it was the FSB she was in contact with. Photo: Wikipedia E-mails show that she has had contacts in the FSB. She has forwarded internal discussions and plans in the EU to the contacts. Several times she has also arranged meetings with them. Expressen has screenshots of several e-mails. Among other things, an e-mail from 2006 in which Ždanoka plans to meet someone in the FSB at a train station in Brussels. Says she did not know they were from the FSB Tatjana Ždanoka admits that the e-mails are real. Nevertheless, she claims that she did not know that it was the FSB she was in contact with. – I can confirm that the only persons I have sat at the same table with me, and have had knowledge of are or were Russian FSB officers, are Vladimir Putin and Sergei Naryshkin, she writes. Tatjana Ždanoka has had a seat here, in the European Parliament in Strasbourg since 2004. Photo: FREDERICK FLORIN / AFP The contact she had in the FSB refers to her as a friend. She must have met him when she was studying at the beginning of the 70s. At the time, Latvia was still part of the Soviet Union. It is not possible to take the events before 2016 to court. This is because, until 2016, Latvia lacked laws regarding this. Nevertheless, it is clear that the Latvian insurance service VDD has had the 73-year-old in its sights, writes Expressen. – Ždanoka’s status as a member of the European Parliament was an important factor that contributed to her activities in support of Russia’s geopolitical interests, writes the Latvian security service. Friend of Russia Ždanoka has been a member of the European Parliament since 2004. She still sits here. Since 2007, she has been president of the EU’s Russian-speaking alliance. Her CV, which is on the European Parliament’s own pages, shows this. Ždanoka has been a member of the European Parliament since 2004. She still sits here. Photo: European union According to Expressen, she has already made herself known for her open and clear support for Russia. Among other things, she has spread propaganda linked to alleged violations of the rights of Russians in the Baltic countries. She has also advocated Kremlin-friendly policies. In addition, she has refused to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Swedish politician Alice Bah Kuhnke has a seat in the same group as her. As she would not condemn Russia’s war of aggression, they kicked her out of the group. Alice Bah Kuhnke says she is not surprised by the revelations. Photo: Emil Langvad/TT / NTB Kuhn tells Expressen that she is not surprised by the revelations. – I know how Russia and Putin’s agents work. They have networks everywhere, says Kuhnke. – She is a threat to what the EU must fight for, she adds.
