Escape from hospital in the Gaza Strip – claims Israeli forces are approaching – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

A team of American and British doctors from the organization MedGlobal, who work at the hospital, claim to CNN that Israeli forces are approaching – The hospital is shaking and there is panic, says American doctor Thaer Ahmed. – Many of the displaced people around the hospital have now started to leave the area, he adds. CNN writes that media people on the scene have seen women and men with children in their arms leaving the hospital. Al Jazeera reportedly verified several videos showing dozens of people carrying blankets, mattresses and other personal belongings. The sound of bombs and gunfire can be heard in the videos. IDF: Hamas fired rocket from hospital On Tuesday, the Israeli military said that Hamas had recently fired a rocket at Israel from Al Nasser Hospital. This is written by the Times of Israel, among others. Israel has repeatedly accused Hamas of using civilians as human shields by using hospitals and nearby areas as military sites. Israel and Hamas have agreed on an agreement to transport medicine and emergency aid into the Gaza Strip, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Qatar. Qatar: Agree on emergency aid France and Qatar have helped broker the agreement, writes Reuters. It includes both emergency aid for Palestinian civilians and medicine for Israeli hostages. The plan is for around 45 hostages held by Hamas to receive important medication, writes NTB. Emergency aid is to be transported from Qatar to Egypt on Wednesday and then into the Gaza Strip via the Rafah border crossing. Palestinians in the most vulnerable areas of the Gaza Strip will be given access to medicines and other humanitarian aid, according to Majed al-Ansari, spokesman for Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Gisler’s families behind the Qatar plan have not disclosed how much emergency aid is involved. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in France has previously stated that negotiations have been ongoing for several weeks and that the idea originally came from the families of some of the Israeli hostages. Packages of medicine, assembled in France, are scheduled to be given to each of the hostages. The International Committee of the Red Cross will coordinate the work on the ground. Earlier on Tuesday, US spokesman John Kirby said that Israel’s warfare in Gaza has entered a phase of lower intensity. He also said that there is hope that negotiations under the auspices of Qatar can lead to a new agreement on the exchange of hostages in exchange for a ceasefire.
