Escape from hospital in the Gaza Strip – claims Israeli forces are approaching – Latest news – news

17 January 2024 at 02:30 Escape from hospital in the Gaza Strip – claims Israeli forces are approaching Patients and other displaced persons flee from the Nasser hospital in Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip after Israeli bombing. A team of American and British doctors from the organization MedGlobal, who work at the hospital, claim to CNN that Israeli forces are approaching – The hospital is shaking and there is panic, says American doctor Thaer Ahmed. – Many of the displaced people around the hospital have now started to leave the area, he adds. Several videos show dozens of people carrying blankets, mattresses and other personal belongings making their way out of the hospital. Al Jazeera is said to have verified several of the videos showing Palestinians fleeing the hospital. The sound of bombs and gunfire can be heard in the videos.
