Erosion hole discovered in Hønefoss – around 60 will be evacuated, probably for several months – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Initially, all those evacuated after the extreme weather in Hønefoss were supposed to be able to move back within a few weeks. However, this will not be the case. Around 60 of them will probably have to stay away from their homes for several months. The flume has changed the terrain The reason is a survey from the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) which shows a three-metre deep erosion hole at the bottom of the Randselva. The hole on the lower side of Livvegen stretches around 15-20 metres. As a result, there may be unstable ground along the riverbank in the area around Livvegen, Skogfaret and Holtbekkvegen. Before the inhabitants of this area can move home, the hole in the river bed must be sealed. The mapping, of parts of both the Randselva and Storelva, was carried out last week. The aim was to assess whether the flume has changed the terrain below the water surface.
