Erna Solberg responds to Ola Svenneby’s Thunberg outburst – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

“Generation Greta Thunberg is dead”, repeated the Unge Høgre leader from the podium, after he had previously said the same in a live interview with news. It created reactions. “Wild”, “populist” and “anti-climate” were among the reactions that came on Twitter on Tuesday evening. Now Ola Svenneby takes a self-criticism and clarifies what the message of the quote actually was. Gets support – Now Ola has said what he meant by it himself. And it is that the image of young people being radicalized and actionist – that it may not be quite right. I agree with that, but I know that young people and Ola have a great commitment to climate, says Høgre head Erna Solberg. – It is important to distinguish between climate policy and the line Greta has represented, she adds. The right-wing leader believes that the school elections showed that young people are more concerned with being on a civic-minded line of values. She also says that she believes that there are many young people who are concerned about climate who voted Høgre. – What significance has Greta Thunberg had for the climate fight? – She has been important in raising the issues, but I think a lot of young people feel that she does not necessarily represent their way of wanting to raise these issues, Solberg answers. Both the Høgre and Unge Høgre leaders were very satisfied with the result after the school election. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news news has spoken to several of the county leaders of the youth party. Everyone agrees with Svenneby’s message, but several also see that what unfolded could be misinterpreted and point out that he has taken self-criticism for this. – It is good that Ola is humble and can take self-criticism about it, but I stand behind his actions during the school inspection, says leader of Nordland Unge Høgre, Maria Munkhaug. Says it wasn’t planned In a longer post on Twitter on Wednesday, the Unge Høgre leader wrote about the Thunberg plot that both “form, communication and timing” were wrong. Although Svenneby repeated the Thunberg stunt both to news and from the podium, Svenneby told news on Wednesday morning that the Thunberg stunt was not planned. – I said the first thing that popped into my head, says Svenneby and adds: – What popped into my head did not necessarily reflect what I wanted to convey. It is obvious that many people misunderstood me. I take that on board when the scope of this is so large. The Young Høgre leader repeated again that he has no problem with taking self-criticism that he should have formulated himself more clearly and more nuanced, so that there would not have been so many misunderstandings. Unge Høgre leader Ola Svenneby takes self-criticism on the performance he had on Tuesday evening. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news – What did you want to convey? – That I believe that today’s young people are systematically misrepresented and misrepresented for the kind of values ​​they have, and especially have had, answers Svenneby. He believes that there are quite a few, especially on the right-wing side of youth politics, who see her as a kind of identity marker. – That she has been made a symbol for an entire generation. There are a huge number of people who don’t recognize themselves in that. That was the whole point. Ola Svenneby received a standing ovation when he left the podium after the election results were clear on Tuesday evening. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news Valvinnarar The party to Svenneby became the largest party after the school election on Tuesday evening. Together with FpU leader Simen Velle, he could celebrate as election winners among students at secondary schools. Screenshot from the Instagram account of Simen Velle after the election results from the school elections became known. Photo: Screenshot taken 06.09.23, at 00.26 – It’s nice to see such great civic progress among the youth party, Svenneby told news after the results were clear on Tuesday evening. – I think there is a conservative side among the students. A conservative counter-reaction to the climate strike and the Thunberg generation that was four years ago, he added. Together, the four parties on the right, Høgre, Frp, Venstre and KrF, received support from 53.6 per cent of voters. The 2023 school election National results in the 2023 school election. The students have voted as if it were a county council election. Compared to the corresponding election in 2019. Party SupportChange21.9%H+8,919.5%FRP+11,417.0%AP−9,511.1%SV+1.39.4%V−0.76.0%SP−2.13 ,8%MDG−7,12,8%KRF+0,52,7%R−2,35,7%Andre−0,5Click on the party circle to see the full party name. Source: Sikt For MDG, the election was a serious setback. The party received support from 3.8 percent of voters, a decline of 7.1 percent since 2019. At the same time, a new survey shows that climate has become more important to voters after “Hans”. Because even if not everyone has been close to the extreme weather, this survey carried out by Norstat for news shows that climate issues have gained much greater interest since May.
