Erna Solberg comments on Ecocrime decision – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– Right now I am filled with energy. Then we’ll see how it goes. I take seriously what this case is about, that I have dealt with matters I should not have been involved in dealing with because Sindre has traded shares that I did not know about. This is what Erna Solberg (H) says to the press on Friday afternoon. Her husband Sindre Finnes made over 3,000 share transactions when Solberg was prime minister, which Solberg has said may have disqualified her in several cases. A seven-week investigation by Økokrim was concluded today. Økokrim found no grounds for investigating the former prime minister and her husband for insider trading. – You are in a good mood today, why is that, asks VG. – It is of course because this is an important milestone, answers Solberg. – I have been convinced that this should be the result, but what I subjectively think should be the result, to what actually will be the result, you never know. Motivated to be a candidate for prime minister At the press conference, she is asked several questions about whether she has the strength to, and can continue as party leader in light of the case about her husband’s stock trading. Solberg says she believes the best outcome for her is that there is no investigation. – If there were to be an investigation, then it increases the seriousness. But it is also the case that an investigation in itself means nothing. But a charge means something else, and that’s what I’ve assumed. But it is clear that it is better when there is no investigation. – Would you resign if it had ended with a charge? – I do not intend to comment on that, because the assessments that I would have made in that case would still have to be made then. – But how motivated are you to continue as right-wing leader and candidate for prime minister? – I am motivated for it. Solberg points out several times that it is important for her to be a plus, not a minus, for the Conservative Party. – How are you going to find out if you are a plus or a minus? – There is a good discussion that takes place internally in our party. This is what Økokrim has looked at According to Økokrim, there are certain features which, in terms of experience, characterize insider trading. These are: Trading frequency: Whether there is a little or a lot of trading in the paper. Insider trading often takes place in securities that the trader has not previously traded in or has traded little in. Trading volume: Whether the paper is traded in small or large volumes. The person who has inside information will often make larger investments in the security about which he has inside information. Profit: Insider trading can be characterized by large profits. Significant gains assessed against trading history (frequency, volume, time horizon) are therefore relevant. Buying and selling ahead of significant price movements: Insider trading takes place ahead of insider information becoming known in the market and affecting the value of the securities. Links to the issuer: Links may indicate access to price-sensitive information at the same time as the transaction took place. In this case, this means in particular whether Erna Solberg may have had access to inside information that relates to transactions Finne undertook. Source: Økokrim – You don’t get 36.9 from me Solberg says that assessments about her future in the party must be discussed in collaboration with the party. The party leader says that she currently feels that she has good support in the party, and that she has faith that she can restore trust. – I talk every day with my deputies. Of course, we have discussions about many things, but there is no process currently taking place in the Conservative Party. A process is taking place in the Storting regarding the control committee. Solberg did not want to set a deadline or set a limit for herself, for when she has to step down as party leader. She refers to Torbjørn Jagland’s ultimatum from the 1990s, when he said that his government would resign without a majority of 36.9 percent of the population. – You will not get a 36.9 from me today, says Solberg. Marriage was also a topic at the press conference on Friday afternoon. – I am still married to Sindre Finnes and have plans to be married to Sindre Finnes. This has been a difficult matter for us. But we’ve been married for a long time and there are certain values ​​you should have at the bottom – and I still have them, says Solberg. – That I am going to divorce in order to gain political power, that is far from how I am. – Putting a final stop Sindre Finnes’ lawyer Thomas Skjelbred says that Økokrim’s decision not to investigate puts a final stop to the case. – He has not been charged, not indicted and, above all, not convicted, Skjelbred said at a press conference on Friday afternoon. – There is hardly any other private person in Norway who has had their share transactions audited as thoroughly as Finnes, said Skjelbred. Skjelbred says that Finnes’ share trading was a breach of the guidelines that Erna Solberg was bound by as Prime Minister and that he withheld that information from his spouse. – Sindre Finnes has acted unwisely. He has not been honest with his spouse. He deeply regrets it, but there has never been anything punishable about his stock trading, Skjelbred said. He adds that Finnes himself will not comment on the matter today. – When the time is right, he will probably say something himself, but that time is not today, said the lawyer. Rejects Nordic Mining’s assessment from Økokrim Økokrim chief Pål Lønseth stated earlier today that one of the transactions Sindre Finnes made in the company Nordic Mining may have occurred with inside information. Nevertheless, the sum was so small and the trade so far back in time, that Økokrim will not investigate on this basis. At the press conference, Solberg completely denies that Finnes may have had access to inside information when he bought shares in Nordic Mining for the first time. Økokrim has investigated several deals Økokrim has investigated deals in several companies. In the decision, Økokrim has commented on some of the deals in connection with: Nordic Mining Norsk Hydro Scatec Solar NEL Downgrade of Norway in March 2020 New pandemic measures in autumn 2020 MOWI Nekkar Nordic Nanovector (now Thor Medical) Hexagon Composites DNB and dividend freeze Golden Ocean Group Ltd Aker BP Belships IDEX Biometrics Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA – At the time we were negotiating in Nydalen, we were not close to talking about landfill or anything else. It was three days into the probes between all four parties, she says. She says Økokrim believes that the information that the Liberal Party did not get approval for a case could have been inside information at the time. – If there had been a deeper review of it, it would have been clarified as completely unnatural. Solberg says it is good to get a clarification from Økokrim. – It has been a long few weeks, it has affected both me, the family and the party to wait for such a decision. In that sense, it was an important clarification that came today, says Solberg at the press conference. Finne’s lawyer will also hold a press conference later today.
