Erna meets the press about the share trading of Sindre Finnes – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– They have now gained access to an overview of Sindre’s share trading during the years I was a minister of state. Everyone can see that it was extensive. Sindre has done far more than he has said to me and the prime minister’s office, says Erna Solberg at the press conference on Friday. – I have been incompetent in matters I have dealt with when I was prime minister. Solberg says Finner informed the office about what he was doing. – Now it is clear that he has nonetheless conducted extensive short-term share trading. He has done that even though he knew he shouldn’t do it, and he knew why he shouldn’t do it. – The overview Sindre has prepared shows that he has not been honest with me, neither when I was prime minister nor when I confronted him about this after they started asking questions. Breach of trust is always difficult, and especially difficult in a family and a marriage. It hurts me to be as hard on Sindre as I am today, says Solberg, choking back tears. When Erna Solberg became Prime Minister, Finnes informed the Prime Minister’s Office (SMK) about the shares he owned. They advised him to scale back the deals, because it would have consequences for Solberg. The revelations from E24 that came out in the autumn showed that among the twenty companies Finnes invested in were the salmon giant Mowi and the arms and industrial company Kongsberg Gruppen. It has previously been said that he scaled back stock trading when Solberg became prime minister on the advice of SMK. Erna Solberg gives information on Friday about the share trading of her husband Sindre Finne when Solberg was prime minister. Photo: Leif Rune Løland Earlier this week, the Høgreliearen asked Finnes to prepare an overview of his stock trading when Solberg was prime minister. – I have never shared inside information with Sindre. Nor has he acted on any inside information about this. That’s what Erna Solberg told news earlier this month. The share trading of FInnes will be part of the hearing on competence in the control and constitution committee in November,
