Equinor raises the alert at all its facilities in Norway – news Vestland

Equinor has decided to raise the security level in Norway, as a result of the gas leak in the Baltic Sea. – It is based on the development we have seen recently. This means that we are introducing security measures at office locations, installations, supply sites, helipads, land facilities and vessels in Norway, says press spokesman Eskil Eriksen to news. – Out of consideration for safety and the effect of the measures we take, we do not wish to go further into the safety assessments and security measures we take, he adds. news is informed that the preparedness level was raised last night and that Equinor has gone to level A, which is the lowest level. Emergency teams and guards At the gas processing plant at Kollsnes in Øygarden, an emergency team has been established consisting of local management and union representatives, who meet daily to monitor the situation closely, news is informed. At Equinor’s oil refinery in Mongstad, guards have also been posted in connection with the Vestland County Council meeting.
