Ending the search for a missing man in Hammerfest – news Troms and Finnmark

Now the police are packing up their things and have not made any discoveries. Following a tip, last week they started looking for Abdullahi Dayib Mohamud, who has been missing for almost two years. On Thursday and Saturday, a total of three crews with criminal detection dogs from Kripos and Finnish police searched an extended area around the sports hall without making any markings or showing interest in particular areas. This is the last known picture of Abdullahi Dayib Mohamud in Hammerfest. Photo: The police – In advance, we had drilled a large number of kennels to see if the dogs, that way got a better smell picture to work with. But this did not yield any results either, the police wrote in a press release. Searching with a dog for missing Abdullahi The area where a criminal investigation dog marked last autumn has been dug up and examined without finding anything. – We have therefore decided to end this part of the search. We are now working further with hearings and reviewing other collected material. The tips we have received are not uniform, but are reviewed and included in the investigation. The area around the hall, which was examined last week, has now been completed. Photo: CHRISTIAN KRÅKENES / news Investigations were also carried out earlier this autumn with ground-penetrating radar, which only yielded results in the area that the police have now searched with no results. – We have a strong desire to find him and have not given up, but after the last week’s fruitless search without finding any further traces of the missing person, we have decided to suspend the search itself, but not the investigation, as new information comes to light the search could be taken up, the police conclude. Don’t lose hope Abdullahi Dayib Mohamud was 21 when he was reported missing. If he is alive, he is 23 years old now. The sisters don’t give up until the brother is found. Photo: CHRISTIAN KRÅKENES / news – I have not lost hope that it will be resolved, that we will get an answer. It is very hard not knowing what has happened, says elder sister, Ruweyda Dayib Mohamud. The family did not see Abdullahi in Christmas 2020, and reported to the police on 5 January. A surveillance camera at an ATM had caught him at 14.05 in the afternoon on 18 December. This is the last confirmed sighting of Mohamud. When Abdullahi first went missing, the police had no concrete evidence that anything criminal had happened. The police are digging for the missing 23-year-old in Hammerfest The family hoped that this could give them closure after almost two years and it has been a difficult time for them. – It has been two very tough years, but I hope that one day I will find him. That’s what keeps me going, says the sisters.
