– Emily in Rome does not make sense – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The Netflix series “Emily in Paris” took the world by storm when it was released in 2020. The series follows Emily Cooper, a marketing manager from Chicago who lands her dream job in Paris. Although the series has been criticized for playing heavily on stereotypes and showing a somewhat unrealistic picture of France and its inhabitants, it has managed to become one of the most popular series on Netflix during its four seasons. Despite, or perhaps because of, these stereotypical representations, the series has given a tremendous boost to tourism in the country. Tourists inspired by the series According to a study published this year by the National Center for Film and Animation (CNC) in France, almost 38 percent of tourists state that the series was one of the inspirations for visiting Paris. In the next season, on the other hand, Emily takes the Vespa and simmers over to Rome. Something that has caught the attention of none other than the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. President Emmanuel Macron would prefer Emily to stay in Paris. Photo: Manon Cruz / Reuters He is not ready to give up the “Emily effect”, and in an interview with Variety he expresses what he thinks about Emily’s exit from Paris. – We will fight hard, and we will ask them to stay in Paris! Emily in Rome does not make sense, says Macron to the magazine. Selfie with Brigitte Macron Macron has a closer relationship with the series than one might think. In the fourth season, his wife, Brigitte, appeared on the screen in a so-called “cameo”, or a micro role. There she took a selfie with the main character. – I was very proud. It was only a few minutes, but I think it was a nice moment for her. I think it is good for France’s reputation. In the fourth season of Emily in Paris, Brigitte Macron appears and takes a selfie with the main character Emily. Photo: AFP When asked if he has been asked about a micro role in the series, he replies: – I am not as attractive as Brigitte! It is not only tourism that is mentioned in the CNC study. According to them, searches for moving to Paris have increased by 1416 per cent. Published 11.10.2024, at 12.36 p.m
