“Emilie” fears the children will be sent nude pictures of her

Have the others in the store seen the pictures? Will my children be sent the photos? Will my children’s friends see the pictures? Such thoughts grind daily in the minds of two women news has spoken to. The background is that they are offended in a case where a Sunnmørs man has shared 32 offensive photos of 14 women in the same village. The Supreme Court has now decided that the man must go to prison for seven months, and with that set the level of punishment for sharing images. The women experienced that photos they thought were safe on their mobiles and their accounts were shared. One woman says she has now become skeptical of trusting that images are safe in some places. – Photos like this will never be taken again. At least it’s safe, she says. Photo: Remi Sagen / news The women talk about a difficult time after their photos, which were supposed to be private, have been shared. Some of the images have also been manipulated. According to the verdict, the faces of the women on several of the films and photographs were visible, so that it is easy to recognize them. – It has been a very tough year, to say the least. And it’s going to continue. The pictures are there, and we never know when they will appear again, and that is a great fear, says “Emilie”. She is terrified that the photos will suddenly be shown to close family. Was contacted on Snapchat and asked if she wanted to see photos For “Emilie” it started with a friend request on Snapchat. There, the man who was convicted is said to have pretended to be a young woman from Bergen. He also asked if she wanted to see intimate pictures of girls who live in the same village as herself, she says. Although she said no, she was sent pictures. When the man asked if she wanted to see pictures of herself, she said yes. – I didn’t know that anyone had pictures of me. The man had. The pictures showed the woman both with and without underwear. Another woman news has spoken to says that it was a friend who made her aware that pictures of her were circulating. – First there were underwear pictures. Then there were pictures of bare breasts that also showed my face. It was the worst, says “Lisa”. According to the verdict, the images that the man shared showed both naked and scantily clad women in different situations. “Emilie” and “Lisa” are not the women’s real names. Both women say that the case has been stressful enough, and that they therefore want to remain anonymous. news knows the identity of the women. Had passwords to 200 different accounts The man had obtained the images through password leaks online. In total, the man set passwords to 200 different user accounts both on social media and e-mail. This is how he logged into the private lives of the women and took pictures from private chats in various social media. The convicted man set passwords to 200 different user accounts. Photo: Remi Sagen / news – He took the pictures from Snapchat from me. There are pictures I have not sent to anyone but one person. It’s been ten years since they were taken and sent, and I haven’t sent all of them once, says “Emilie”. Her first response was that she was provoked. – I had a goal with this, and that was for him to be taken. The verdict is indicative of punishment for sharing images The man was arrested at the end of 2022. He was convicted in both Møre and Romsdal District Court and Frostating Court of Appeal, but appealed further to the Supreme Court. After the case has been through the entire court system, the Supreme Court has now concluded. The man must serve seven months in prison for gross sharing of offensive images and computer hacking, where the sharing of offensive images is the basis for sentencing. The man must also pay between NOK 25,000 to 45,000 in restitution to each of the women he is convicted of having shared photos of. The judgment states that the man has given an unreserved confession all along. The man has therefore received a confession discount. The Supreme Court states that this judgment is a guideline for other cases in terms of sentencing and the assessment of compensation for the sharing of offensive images. John Christian Elden is the defense attorney for the convicted man from Sunnmøre. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB John Christian Elden, who defended the man and appealed to the Supreme Court, says that the verdict is a fair clarification. – Photo sharing without consent entails imprisonment, even if it is only a single photo, writes Elden in a comment to news. He also points out that the penalty and compensation claim were somewhat reduced in the Supreme Court. Hope the verdict can stop people from sharing images State Attorney Magne Nyborg says the case is relevant to many people and points to the fact that many teenagers send sexualized images to each other. He hopes the verdict can stop people from sharing such images with others. State Attorney Magne Nyborg hopes the verdict can help stop people from sharing photos. Photo: Øyvind Sandnes / news – Many young people lose their inhibitions on social media. It is so easy to spread pictures without thinking about the consequences, says Nyborg. He encourages everyone to think twice. – Don’t forward it uncritically to others, then you could suddenly end up in prison, he says. Developed anxiety and sleep problems According to the verdict, the women lived in fear that the images that had been shared would be spread further in the local environment. According to the judgment, some of them have subsequently sought professional help to deal with the effects of the case. “Emilie” thought it would help that there was now a final verdict, but for her it is not over. – I think it is extremely selfish, disrespectful and rotten. The other woman says she has thought about this every day for the past two years. She hopes that sometime in the future she can move on. – I hope it happens that I don’t think about it every day. But now I do, says “Lisa”. news has been in contact with the man convicted in the case. He will not comment on the decision from the Supreme Court. Published 10.06.2024, at 22.43
