Emergency meeting about Ukraine in the UN Security Council – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

After Russia’s extensive attack against Ukraine on the night of Friday, the UN Security Council gathered in an emergency meeting on Friday evening. Several countries condemned the attacks. At least 30 civilians were killed and 160 people wounded in what is being described as the largest Russian air strike since the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. It was Ukraine that called for an emergency meeting. Kharkiv Ukraine 29 December 2023 Photo: AP Russia: – Ukraine is responsible for civilian casualties Russia’s UN ambassador Vasilij Nebenzia replied that Russia had launched attacks only against military infrastructure in Ukraine. He says it is Ukraine’s air defense systems that were responsible for civilian casualties. – There would have been no civilian casualties if it had not been for Ukraine’s anti-aircraft missiles, said Vasilij Nebenzia. Russia’s UN ambassador Vasilij Nebenzia He claimed that Ukraine’s anti-aircraft missiles are placed in residential areas, which is in violation of international law. To which Britain replied that Russia’s actions were the sole cause of the tragedy in Ukraine. “It’s a stream of lies and disinformation,” said Britain’s UN ambassador Barbara Woodward about Nebenzya’s remarks. UN Secretary-General António Guterres also condemned Russia’s attack on Ukraine, spokesman Stéphane Dujarric said in a statement. – Attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure violate international humanitarian law, are unacceptable and must end immediately, said Dujarric. – Christmas holiday with drone and missile attacks – Tragically, 2023 will end as it began, with violence against the population of Ukraine, said UN Deputy Secretary-General Khaled Khiari in the Security Council. He added that once again Ukrainians were forced to spend the Christmas holiday seeking shelter, searching ruins and burying the dead in sub-zero temperatures. The US representative in the UN Security Council, John Kelley. The United States, France and Great Britain condemned the Russian attacks. – Instead of peace, Russian President Putin chose to mark this holiday with drone and missile attacks on a scale we have not seen before, said US Representative John Kelley. China’s representative at the UN did not condemn the attacks, but called for a “political solution” to the war. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who called on the world to respond to Russia’s latest attack, says he is grateful for the support. – Many leaders have declared their support for Ukraine and Ukrainians. I am grateful for each one. Especially to those who have helped our country with air defense, Zelenskyy said in his evening video speech. Biden asks for support for Ukraine US President Joe Biden asks Congress to step up aid to Ukraine after the attacks on the night of Friday. He says the attacks show that Russia is trying to wipe out the neighboring country. Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap) writes on X that Norway condemns Russia’s air attack against Ukraine on Friday. – Attacks on civilians are unacceptable, writes Eide.
