Emergency call from the Tolga abduction sheds light on the incident – news Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The parents of the man who was abducted in Vingelen on Tolga on the night of 2 January last year tell the court about a sudden and dramatic awakening. The two are said to have been sleeping when two masked men broke into their home to get their son. When the father began his explanation yesterday, he said that he feared for both his wife’s and his son’s lives. Dramatic emergency call During his explanation, the father said that he called the police shortly after two of the defendants broke into his home. However, he did not get in touch with the police and the conversation was broken off, he said in court. Today, the police in Innlandet released an audio file from the first emergency call. In the conversation, it emerges that there are several people in the background and that there is shouting. The father, who is also offended in the case, shouts “wait” before the conversation is interrupted. Police emergency number My name is —-No, come hereYes, wait What’s going on? Yes, yes, yes The two defendants, who participated in the kidnapping, took the phone to the father, before throwing it into the terrain some distance below the house. The father then ran upstairs to the bedroom on the second floor and fetched his wife’s mobile phone. When he got in touch with the police, he asked them not to come up to the house, but rather to start looking for his son right away. An ambulance quickly arrived at the house, before the police also arrived a little later. When the father explained the abduction on Wednesday, he broke down in tears and began to vomit as he explained the sight of his son being dragged away from the house. – I was afraid it was the last time we saw him. Thought the son had been killed When the questioning of the father continued on Thursday, prosecutor Vibeke Stolp asked Ekeland if he can explain the feelings surrounding when the perpetrators disappeared with the son. – I thought that now it is his life that is at stake. Thought it was the last time I saw him in my life, replied the father. When asked what the hours were like until his son was found, the father says that it is difficult to describe. – We were afraid that he had been killed and thrown in Glomma. A nightmare, said the father. During the course of events inside the house in Vingelen, which the father has described as being over in five minutes, they were subjected to serious violence. Repeated blows to the body of both the father, wife and son, and the father had a gun pointed at him twice. Acknowledges varying degrees of criminal guilt A total of four men have been charged in the case. They admit to varying degrees of criminal guilt. Their defenders already said during the first court day that their clients experienced that they were part of a rescue operation to save the offended 21-year-old, not to kidnap him. During his explanation, the 21-year-old said that he did not experience that he was rescued, – It was not voluntary to join, the man explained. According to the indictment, the aggrieved abduction victim was taken from her parents’ home in Tolga. The public prosecutor believes he was subjected to violence and threats in a car on the way to Oslo before he was released. The abduction victim’s father The man was sleeping when, according to the indictment, two men broke into his house on Tolga. According to the indictment, was subjected to violence and threats, and witnessed her son being abducted. The abduction victim’s mother The woman was sleeping when, according to the indictment, two men broke into her house on Tolga. According to the indictment, was subjected to violence and threats, and witnessed her son being abducted. According to the indictment, the accused SkytterenSkal broke into the house on Tolga together with the “driver”, used violence and threats against all three victims and abducted the 20-year-old man. The defendant is said to have driven the car the three drove from Tolga to Koppang, where they drove off the road. Accused of abduction, violence against all three victims, threats against all three victims. He partially pleads guilty to several of the charges, but does not plead guilty to having a weapon with him or to having threatened the victims. The driver According to the indictment, the man must have broken into the house on Tolga together with the “shooter”, used violence and threats against the three victims, and abducted the 20-year-old. Accused of abduction, violence against all three victims, threats against all three victims. Partially pleads guilty to some of the charges, pleads not guilty to possession of a weapon and violence against the parents. The mastermind The prosecution believes the man was the mastermind behind the abduction. According to the indictment, he was not at Tolga during the incident. Accused of abduction, violence against all three victims, threats against all three victims and drug offences. The man partially pleads guilty to some of the charges, but not to threats. Driver 2 According to the indictment, must have driven the offended man and one of the other indictees from Hamar to Oslo. Indicted for deprivation of liberty
