Else Kåss Furuseth leaves news – Latest news – news

9 May 2023 at 10:04 Else Kåss Furuseth quits news Comedian and presenter Else Kåss Furuseth quits news and gets a new program on TVNorge, Discovery writes in a press release. It was VG who reported the case first. Head of entertainment at news Charlo Halvorsen says that Furuseth is scheduled to continue making the podcast “The Kåss Furuseths” and finish the program “Healthy Furuseth”. – It’s a shame for us, but she wants to continue making talk shows, says Halvorsen. “Kåss til kvelds” was closed as a result of news having to downsize and cut NOK 300 million in 2023. – We have big plans for Else at TVNorge and are incredibly happy that she is coming back to us, says TVNorge’s editor-in-chief, Magnus Water. In addition to his own talk show programme, Furuseth will take part in several comedy projects. – After several good and educational years in the state channel, this was an opportunity that was difficult to say no to. I have had rewarding conversations with the people at TVNorge about the future, and not least about my own talk show – which everyone knows I love. TVNorge has a humor initiative that is incredibly exciting to be a part of, says Else Kåss Furuseth.
